
Exporters doing better


Enno Rebane, Äripäev

Although the economy is showing signs of positive development, the situation in the construction and building materials industry is still poor. True, for the second quarter of this year, it was positive for building materials producers, but only for exporters.

In the first half of the year, the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association
 kuuluvate ettevõtete müügikäive eelmise aastaga võrreldes siiski õige veidike kasvas - 2267 miljoni kroonini. See on ligikaudu 2004. aasta tase, sealjuures ei ole arvestatud inflatsiooni mõju.
Although almost all building materials manufacturers would like to forget about the results of 2009, unfortunately, these product groups still exist, whose results for the first half-year are negative compared to the previous year.
Also, the sale of sand, roofing materials and insulation materials remains on the minus side. The biggest increase is the sale of wooden windows, wall materials and reinforced concrete elements, with all the positive effects being exports.
Again, it leads to the idea that it is necessary to publicly raise funds for public works in order to carry out construction work in bad times for the public sector in the bad times. Do not do this when everyone is building and the prices of construction works are on the ceiling.

At the very least, there is something positive at the moment - the success of exporting companies.
2010. a 6 kuu jooksul eksporditi ehitusmaterjale 1118 miljoni krooni eest, mis ületab 2009. a sama ajavahemikku enam kui 300 miljoni krooniga. Kõige rõõmustavama tulemuse ja arenguga paistab silma ehitusmontaažvahtude tootja OÜ Krimelte. Veel võiks eraldi välja tuua AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted, suur osa nende toodangust läks ekspordiks, mis betoonelementide tootmise puhul on tähelepanuväärne. Enam kui poole toodangust eksportisid avatäidete tootjad AS Fenestra, AS Metus-Est, AS Saku Metall ja AS Viking Window, seinamaterjalide tootja AS Aeroc, katusekivide valmistaja OÜ Monier, plasttorude tootja OÜ HAKA Plast ning lubjakivitoodete müüja AS Nordkalk.

According to turnover (6 months of 2010, million kroons)
1. Krimelte OÜ                                449
2. AS Saint-Gobain Ehitustooted       130
3. AS E-Betoonelement               130
4. AS Pipelife Eesti                          123
5. AS Saku Metall                            103
6. AS Rudus                                     96
7. AS Nordkalk                                 91
8. AS Metus-Est                                68
9. AS Silikaat                                   66
10. AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted        55
11. AS Viking Window                       54

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