
High-end residential area Kalaranna will feature precast element buildings


The property at Kalaranna Street 8 will become a high-end residential area called Kalaranna Quarter. The construction of the area will be completed in three phases. In the first two construction phases, eight buildings with 240 apartments, commercial premises and underground parking will be completed. E-Betoonelement participates in the project by cooperating with its long-term partners Nordecon AS and Pro Kapital.

Project: Kalaranna Quarter, Kalaranna Street, Tallinn (I-II construction phases)
Customer: Nordecon AS
Developer: AS Pro Kapital Grupp
Architect: Mihkel Tüür and Ott Kadarik, Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ
Contracting: Supply of precast elements
E-Betoonelement project manager: Toomas Böttcher
Sales Engineer: Neeme Kasela
Completion date: End of 2021

„Tegemist on suure arendusega väga prestiižses asukohas, kuhu ka majad tulevad tavapärasest uhkemad. Arhitektid kasutavad fassaadil nii natural stonematriitspinda, puitu, metalli kui ka värve. Isikupärased ja kauni väljanägemisega seinaelemendid toodetakse E-Betoonelemendi Harku tehases. Samuti valmivad seal koorikplaadid. Õõnespaneelid, ümar-ja kandilised postid, talad, plaat- ja künarõdud tulevad ettevõtte Tamsalu tehasest,” sõnab E-Betoonelemendi projektijuht Toomas Böttcher.

The 3D drawing shows trough type balconies

The buildings under construction are adjacent to Linnahall and Kalaranna parks and are planned to have four to five storeys. The ground floors of the buildings are designed with commercial space and elevators are planned into each building. All parking facilities will be underground.

Nearby Kalaranna Park will offer a variety of leisure opportunities, including a planned ice rink and playgrounds, as well as facilities for outdoor events.

An important part of Kalaranna Quarter will be the beach promenade, which starts from Kalaranna Street, by the Kalasadama swimming pool and continues in the direction of Seaplane Harbour. The existing sandy beach with natural coastline will be preserved.

The sale of apartments in Kalaranna Quarter has already started. You can see the prices and layouts here. The layouts of commercial spaces planned on the ground floor are available here.

Kalaranna kvartal - 3D

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