
E-Betoonelement submitted four buildings to the competition “Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2016”


AS E-Betoonelement submitted four buildings to the competition “Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2016”, organised by the Concrete Association of Estonia and the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia.

Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ

Customer: Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ
Architect: OÜ Architectural burea Luhse & Tuhal
Developer: Neoprojekt OÜ, CES AS
Builder: Maru Ehitus AS
Concrete products supplier: AS E-Betoonelement

Submission grounds: This element building with a powerful appearance and well-planned interior uses fake assembly joints to divide the outer casing of the panels into horizontal rectangles. The playful facade uses two different matrices, with additional smooth unprocessed surfaces.

You can find more pictures here.

Private house – On Hämariku street

Client: private person
Architect: Indrek Kallas
Developer: Artest Project OÜ
Ehitaja: Est Trading Partner OÜ
Concrete products supplier: AS E-Betoonelement

Submission grounds: For the private house on Hämariku street 10, the combination of the new and old style was very successful. This was the first house in Estonia to have been built with composite ties without any thermal bridges to join the reinforced concrete wall panel layers.

You can find more pictures here.

Maarjamaa College of education

Client: Riigi Kinnisvara AS
Architect: OÜ Esplan
Builder: AS YIT Ehitus
Concrete products supplier: AS E-Betoonelement

Ettepaneku põhjendus: Läbimõeldud ja terviklik hoonetekompleks, kuhu kuulub kaheksa erinevat hoonet - peahoone, peremaja ja kuus rühmakodu. Õpilaslinnaku loomisel on lähtutud lapsesõbralikust lähenemisest, pakkudes õpilastele kaasaegset õpi- ja elukeskkonda. Terviklikku lähenemist näitab ka hoonete ühtne väline stiil. Seinaelementide viimistlemisel on kasutatud raudoksiidiga patineerimist ja musta pigmendiga harjapinda.

You can find more pictures here.

Apartment building – Mardi street 9, Tallinn

Customer: Barensholm OÜ
Aarchitect: Kuu Arhitektid OÜ ja Projekt O2 OÜ
Designer: Pikoprojekt OÜ
Builder: RAMM Ehituse OÜ
Concrete products supplier: AS E-Betoonelement

Submission grounds: the idea behind the apartment building on Mardi street was to convey the historical atmosphere of the Keldrimäe neighbourhood, densely built-up and planned in human scale. The apartment building is divided into three sections with different finishes and volume, thus creating a harmonious urban ensemble with the surrounding historical buildings.
The recessed facade with articulated balconies adds human scale to the large building, and provides sufficiently large balconies/terraces to the south-facing apartments.

You can find more pictures here.

The winner will be announced on the national Concrete Day in March 2017.

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