
Contracts have been concluded for next three buildings in Pöörise residential area


AS E-Betoonelement and AS TTP concluded contracts for design, production and installation of next three element dwellings in Pöörise residential area.

Object: Buildings in Pöörise residential quarter at the addresses Pöörise 14, 12 and 10
Completed: Buildings in Pöörise residential quarter at the addresses Pöörise 22, 20, 18 and 16, parking building
Location: Õismäe, Tallinn
Architects: Meeli Truu and Andres Kariste, Nord Projekt AS
Customer: TTP AS
Contract for services by AS E-Betoonelement: design, elements and installation
Project Manager: Toomas Böttcher
Sales: Aare Pärna

Sales director of E-Betoonelement Aare Pärna„In Pöörise residential area we have completed four element dwellings at the addresses Pöörise 22, 20, 18 and 16, as well as a parking building. AS TTP has ordered complete solutions of the buildings from E-Betoonelement, which include the design of element dwellings, production of elements and installation activities. Our cooperation has been very successful.
Contracts have been signed for next three buildings at the addresses Pöörise 14, 12, 10. The start of installation of a dwelling at the address Pöörise 14 is planned in the beginning of October, while other buildings will be installed immediately after the completion of the previous one.“

Construction director of AS TTP Herki Narusk: on the first two completed buildings: “I consider quality to be the most important, and the advantage of E-Betoonelement was the best price and quality ratio. E-Betoonelement and we are bound by long-term cooperation, and it has been positive and pleasant to both parties.
Mitmekorruseliste hoonete ehitamisel on olulised ehituse aeg ja kiirus - elementmaja saab kokku monteerida väga kiiresti. Elementidel on teostatud välisviimistlus, mistõttu ei ole vaja hiljem tellinguid ja soojustust eraldi paigaldada ning paneelid on seest siledad ega nõua paksu krohvikihti.
A complex service that offers design, manufacture of elements and assembly is the best option for the customer.”

See how the two first buildings in the Pöörise residential area were completed:

11.08.2016 Cooperation of AS E-Betoonelement and AS TTP will produce the fourth apartment block and a parking house in the Pöörise residential area

29.05.2015 Elements for two apartment buildings in the Pöörise residential area have been assembled

Read more about the residential area to be completed at and

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