The Tamsalu factory of the E-Betoonelement employs Adam Ibrahim Abdulrahman Awad from Sudan. Photo by Eiko Kink.

Refugees are expelled to the Estonian labor market


Kristjan Ats Mägi, Äripäev

If otherwise, refugees will have to go through a long request, then those 150 refugees who arrive in Estonia will not be able to stay in the accommodation center, but will receive a free rental space and the opportunity to go to work immediately.

Now it is clear that Estonia will take 150 refugees in two years. Upon arrival, the refugee resides in a rental or social housing facility offered by a rural municipality or city.

According to the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Social Affairs Oskar Lepik, the recipient of international protection is equal to the resident citizen living in Estonia, that is, he has the right to work, to receive labor market subsidies and labor market services.

Job seekers do not stay alone - the country, according to Lepik, offers various support and support services to help them find work, such as the possibility of studying Estonian.

According to Health and Labor Minister Rannar Vassiliev, Töötukassa fund offers refugees assistance in the same way as other unemployed people living in Estonia.

Although, according to Rannar Vassilyev, the government does not pay any benefits or benefits to the recruitment of refugees, several companies have become interested in implementing their work. There are such companies as, for example AS E-Betoonelement, OÜ Tallinna Pesumaja, OÜ Baltic Log Cabins, AS Hagar ja OÜ Pandivere Pansion.

the Head of the Design Department Tamsalu Factory Manager Marek Prees sõnul on neil praegu tööl kaks pagulast, kes töötavad betoontoodete valmistaja ametikohal. „Initsiatiiv tuli tegelikult Vao keskusest, kust uuriti, et kas meil on vabu kohti,“ ütles Prees.

Tulevikus on ettevõte Preesi sõnul vajadusel valmis võtma veel pagulasi tööle, kuid samas peab valikuid langetama ettevaatlikult. „Peab vaatama, et mingeid kampasid ei tekiks,“ kommenteeris ta. Keelebarjääri Prees probleemiks ei pea, näiteks suheldakse praegu firmas töötava ukrainlasega vene keeles ning sudaanlasega inglise keeles.

According to Sirje Pedi, head of the Pandivere Pension in Vao village, their interest in refugees came from the fact that the company was not found anywhere in the workforce.

The recruited refugees describe Pedius as industrious and intelligent people, the only obstacle is language.

Regardless of government efforts and corporate interest, it is not easy to find paid employment for refugees. According to Eero Janson, Member of the Board of Refugee Board, there are refugees among people with different levels of education, but refugees predominantly receive only minor work.

According to Janson, however, the refugee can, in particular, increase his chances on the labor market, mainly through language learning.

According to Rannar Vassilyev, it is important for the refugee to trust the assistance system provided by the state of Estonia.

According to Janson, however, the state could, in order to facilitate the recruitment of refugees, be given control to Töötukassa.

According to Janson, the refugees themselves are extremely motivated to find a job. "This is their first priority, for them it is even more important than finding a place of residence," said Janson.

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