
Million deal with Estonian concrete


Inga Jakobson,

Betoonelement is part of the Finnish railway construction project, which links the northern neighbors to the capital of Vantaa. The transaction price leaves the concrete producer confidential, stating that it will remain between one and five million euros.

"E-Betoonelemendile on tehing mitmeski võtmes märkimisväärne," rääkis E-Betoonelemendi juht Vaido Leosk. "Tegu on suure projektiga ning pikaajalise tootmisega," selgitas ta ja lisas, et see võimaldab tasakaalustada tootmist. Leping sõlmiti eelmise aasta detsembris ning tööd kestavad orienteeruvalt ühe aasta.
"Eesti turu projektid on tihti väga kokkusurutud tähtaegadega ja pingelised ega võimalda tootmist optimaalselt kasutada," märkis Leosk. Tema arvates teadvustatakse Soome ehitus- ning elemenditootmise sektoris Eestist paremini ühtlase tootmisvoo mõju üldisele efektiivsusele.

E-Betoonelement tehingu täpset numbrit avalikustada ei soovinud. "Jääb miljoni ja viie miljoni vahepeale," ütles Vaido Leosk. "Kahjuks pole meil õigust lepingu detaile täpsemalt avaldada," lisas ettevõtte turundusspetsialist Mari-Liis Tenno. "Selle projekti puhul sõlmis E-Betoonelement lepingu oma sõsarettevõttega, mistõttu me konkurentide ja hangete teemat ei kommenteeriks," ütles ta.

Leoski sõnul on see neile uus kogemus. "Tegu on infrastruktuuri projektiga. E-Betoonelement ei ole infrastruktuuriprojektidele Soome varem elemente tarninud," rääkis ta. E-Betoonelemendi jaoks on sisuliselt tegemist ka uue tootega. "Usun, et selle projekti kogemused leiavad rakendamist ka tuleviku tunneliprojektides nii Eestis kui Soomes," ütles Leosk.

The total cost of railways in Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to be completed in 2015 is 675 million. Arcuate ceilings for this protective tunnel from reinforced concrete are supplied to the Finnish partner by the Estonian company E-Betoonelement.
In September 2012, the cost of an underground airport was estimated at 655 million euros, the railway project linking Helsinki-Vantaa Airport to Helsinki became more expensive when the underground of the airport proved to be more acidic than expected.
"Kaitsetunnel kujutab endast kalju sisse lõhatud tunnelisse omakorda monteeritavast raudbetoonist tunneli konstruktsiooni rajamist, mis kaetakse spetsiaalse membraaniga," selgitas Tenno. Tema sõnul on tööd Parma OYga ära jagatud nii, et kahe ca 750 meetri pikkuse paralleelse kaitsetunneli konstruktsiooni seinaelemendid valmistab ja tarnib Parma OY ning tunneli lae kaarelemendid AS E-Betoonelement. "Meile teadaolevalt sellel lõigul teisi tarnijaid ei ole," lisas Tenno.

What is what
The E-Betoonelement supplies around 800 large arc elements and about 100 smaller ones for the protection tunnel.
The length of the large arc element (silhouette) is a width of 7.64 x 2.47 x 2.53 m and a mass of 11.5 t per element.
The total weight of the elements is slightly over 10,000 tons.
E-Betoonelement and Parma OY are both members of Consolis OY AB.
It is not necessary to construct a railway with a total length of 18 km for the transport of passengers in the immediate vicinity of Helsinki.
The tunnel part of the airport underpass was launched in 2009 and, according to preliminary plans, it was intended to open up the traffic in 2014, but was postponed for a year, and the railways should be opened in July 2015.
To date, the project budget has increased to 675 million euros. Septermber 2012 amounted to 655 million, before that in March 2010, it was 605 million.

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