
Focus on safety: avoid accidents at workplace


This week, E-Betoonelement organizes its annual Safety Week that focuses on ensuring safety in factories, offices and home offices. The companies in the Consolis Group, including E-Betoonelement, all strive for accident-free workplace environment. The numbers have improved year to year, but there is still a lot to be done to prevent accidents and achieve a workplace where no accidents occure.

The Safety Week will focus on five different topics, all of which will be covered in more detail: accident-free work environment, line of fire, escape routes, tools, and the prevention of the spread of Covid-19. These topics are covered in theory, but practical examples are given of what accidents have occured and how to avoid them. It is important to note that each employee is responsible for their own safe behavior and is certainly expected to intervene when they see others behave in a non-safe way.

Plant Manager at Harku, Hans Süld: „Õnnetustevaba kultuuri suunas peame liikuma igapäevaselt –  sinna jõudmine ei ole helesinine unistus, sest see on võimalik. Süsteemselt tuleb tegeleda riskikäitumisega – seda nähes tuleb reageerida, alati. Siht on jõuda järgmisele tasemele ehk sinna, et töötajal on endal motivatsioon ilma välise mõjuta (käskudeta) käituda ohutult nii enda kui teiste suhtes.”

Tamsalu Factory Manager, Marek Prees: "Without exception, all accidents can be prevented if you behave correctly - this is as simple as that. To behave correctly you have to be aware of the right work methods and, of course, the right tools and personal protective equipment. In this regard, we need to educate our employees every day. It is the responsibility of managers to provide this knowledge to the people, and often we have to take on a role of "an educator". What I would like to remind everyone during the occupational safety week - when you see that something is being done wrong, don't walk away. Don't be afraid of being more caring."

Due to the high rate of the COVID-19 cases in Estonia, the safety week events this year are carried out mostly online, i.e. all workshops take place via screens. Personalized workshops in the factories have been postponed and will later take place in the same work groups that are in daily contact anyway to prevent the possible spread of the coronavirus.

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