
29 candidates submitted for the contest "Concrete Building of the Year 2020"


Press release
Estonian Concrete Association and Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association

19 buildings were submitted to the competition "Concrete Building of the Year 2020" organized by the Estonian Concrete Association and the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association.

„Tänavuse võistluse saak on rikkalik nii hulgalt kui geograafialt,” sõnas Eesti Betooniühingu juhatuse esimees Tiit Roots,. „Nii laia geograafilist katvust ei ole betoonehitise võistlusel aastaid olnud,” lisas Roots.  

Tiit Roots: "We have school buildings and a kindergarten, production and office buildings, private houses and apartment buildings, small architectural forms and a reconstructed fortress, a seafront promenade and a harbor, health facilities and a swimming pool, an experience center and a tankodrome, as well as excellent examples of Estonian concrete exports."

The board of the Estonian Concrete Association has decided that this time a pre-selection will be made among the candidates submitted to the contest and the nominees will be announced at the next meeting of the board on January 20, 2021.  

2020. aasta betoonehitise võistlusele on esitatud:
1. Angerja tee 38 tootmis- ja laohoone, Angerja tee 38, Allika Tehnopark, Hüüru küla,
Saue vald, Harjumaa;
2. Ankur Residents, Andrekse tee, Pirita, Tallinn;
3. Citybox Tallinn Hotel terrazzopõrandad, Porto Franco, Tallinn;
4. Emajõe büroohoone, Paju 2, Tartu;
5. Eramu puhkeala, Lubja küla, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa;
6. FSE 105, maanteetunneli ventilatsioonihoone, Stockholm, Rootsi;
7. Haapsalu Põhikool, Lihula mnt 12, Haapsalu;
8. Heathmont büroohoone, Suur-Patarei 13, Tallinn;
9. Laaneotsa maja, Pringi küla, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa;
10. Lasteaed-ujula, Raja 7, Pärnu;
11. Naissaare sadama rekonstrueerimine, I etapp, Naissaar, Viimsi vald, Harjumaa;
12. Narva linnuse konvendihoone rekonstrueerimine, Peterburi mnt 2, Narva;
13. Parkimismaja, Töökoja 4, Tallinn;
14. Rakvere Vallimäe Vabaõhukeskus, Vallimäe tee 3, Rakvere;
15. Sillamäe rannapromenaad, Sillamäe;
16. Sillamäe ühishoone, I. Pavlovi 4, Sillamäe;
17. Sisekaitseakadeemia Narva õppekeskuse ja Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledži ühine õppe- ja majutushoone, P. Kerese 14, Narva;
18. Stockholm New büroohoone, Stockholm, Rootsi;
19. Sütiste tervisekeskus, J. Sütiste tee 17/1, Tallinn;
20. Tapa lähiharjutusala projekteerimine ja ehitamine, Tapa vald, Lääne-Virumaa;
21. Tartu Ülikooli Delta õppehoone, Narva mnt 18/20, Tartu;
22. Toom-Kuninga 15 korterelamu, Toom-Kuninga 15, Tallinn;
23. Torn, korterelamu, Seebi 1, Kristiine, Tallinn;
24. Tööstuse 16 tootmishoone olmekorpus, Tööstuse 16, Keila;
25. Uus-Veerenni korterelamud, I etapp, Veerenni 36, Pille 7 ja Tiiu 3, Tallinn;
26. Viktor Palmi nimeline büroohoone koos parkimismajaga, Lõõtsa 1A/Suur-Sõjamäe 12A, Ülemiste City, Tallinn; 27. WOW elamuskeskus, Merikotka 1, Kuressaare;
28. Äri- ja meditsiinihoone, Töökoja 1, Tallinn;
29. Ümera 28b korterelamu, Ümera 28b, Lasnamäe, Tallinn.

See also

The aim of the competition is to find and highlight the buildings, whose appearance and effective and economical performance demonstrate the advantages and potential of concrete as a domestic construction material.

The jury will start its work in the beginning year.

The board of the Concrete Association decided that the winners of the contest "Concrete Building of the Year 2020" will be announced at the Concrete Day 2021 in May 2021. 

Read more:

Tiit Roots,the Chairman of the Management Board of the CAE,
Phone: 50 42 228; e-mail:  

Toomas Vainola said, Executive Director of the Concrete Association of Estonia
Phone: +372 648 1918; +372 50 366 50; e-mail:  

Enno Rebane,Managing Director of the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association  
Phone: 648 1918; 51 82 662; e-mail:  

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E-Betoonelement submitted Toom-Kuninga apartment building to the “Concrete Building of the Year 2020” competition

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