
Shortage of concrete delays the constructions


Kadri Paas, Romet Kreek 

The construction companies claim that the capacities of precast concrete manufacturers are so low that the completion of construction objects will be delayed. 

The head manager of RAMM Ehitus Mr Priit Raud says that one of their biggest unfinished buildings is Arco Vara Kodulahe real estate development close to Stroomi beach. It is a large building with 125 apartments. Therefore, ordering all the necessary details for this meant a lot of hassle. “The truth is that we had to order some of the details, stairs, from a Latvian manufacturer. The remaining elements will be supplied by E-Betoonelement, however, again within seven months. This means that the assembly has to wait for the supply of elements. We could install quicker, but we haven’t got anything to install,” says Raud.

RAMM has another large apartment building under construction in Mardi street in Tallinn. This site was in a better position in terms of concrete elements as the construction commenced already during last year when we had no problems with receiving the “pieces” from E-Betoonelement. "This problem has occurred over the last six months that the Estonian precast concrete manufacturers cannot anymore supply their products in a few months’ time," says Raud with concern.

The head manager of E-Betoonelement Mr Vaido Leosk is commenting the article in Ärileht where construction companies blame the concrete manufacturers in slow and prolonged delivery time that the builders have been clearly too hard on the precast concrete manufacturers.

"Kogu kaup ei lähe ekspordiks. Betoonelementide turul on eksport olnud väga oluline 2008. aasta kriisist alates. Eesti turu nõudlus ei ole olnud piisav ja seetõttu on betoonelementide tootjad pidevalt otsinud ekspordikanaleid. Eesti elemenditootjate kõrge kvaliteeditase ja pikaajaline töö kannab vilja ja eksportivaid ettevõtteid on aina lisandunud," räägib Leosk.

Mardi street 4, 6 apartment buildings, completed in 2013. Photo: E-Betoonelement

"Suure rahvusvahelise kontserni osana võin aga kinnitada, et praegused tarneajad Eestis on samasugused kui enamikus ekspordi sihtriikides. Lihtsalt Eesti ehitajad on elanud enda jaoks väga mugavas olukorras, kus betoonelemendi tarneid ei pidanud suure ülepakkumise tõttu pikalt ette planeerima. Muutunud olukord sunnib tegelema pikemaajalise planeerimisega," märgib E-Betoonelemendi juht.

Nõudlus kohalikul turul on kasvanud eelkõige elamute ja Tallinna Vangla lisanduvate mahtude tõttu. "Betoonelementidest lahendus on ajas kestev ja vähest järelhooldust vajav ja tagab stabiilse sisekliima. Seetõttu on betoonelementidest elamute ehitus eelistatuim ehituslahendus elamute turul," usub Leosk.

Nõudlus põhilistel eksporditurgudel Rootsis-Soomes on kõrge ja nii ongi keskmised tarnetähtajad pikemaks veninud. "Soovitus on ehitajatel järgmise aasta projektide puhul teha pikemaajalist ette planeerimist ja kaasata elementide tarnijate teadmised projekteerimise etapis. Nõnda ei tule ka üllatusena elementide vajadus tootjale ja ehitajal tekib varasem kindlus elementide tarnetähtaegade osas," annab ettevõtte juht nõu.

Ekspordi osa moodustab E-Betoonelemendi kogutoodangust umbes kolmandiku. "Meie põhiturg on siiski Eesti ja Eesti klient," lisab Leosk.

More on this topic:
03.06.2016 Shortage of concrete delays the constructions
03.06.2016 Construction work must be planned more than before

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