
Two E-Betoonelement projects nominated for the "Concrete Building of the Year 2020" contest


Aasta betoonehitis 2020  konkursile nomineeriti kaks E-Betoonelemendi tööd – Toom-Kuninga 15 äripindadega korterelamu ning Sisekaitseakadeemia Narva õppekeskuse ja Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledži ühine õppe- ja majutushoone.

All together, 29 buildings were submitted for the contest, of which the board of the Concrete Association selected 21 nominees.

E-Betoonelement will continue participating in the contest with the following buildings:

Name of the object: Apartment building with commercial premises, Toom-Kuninga 15, Tallinn
Customer: Metro Capital OÜ
Architect: Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ
Engineering: Estkonsult OÜ, Skeleton OÜ, Toorprojekt OÜ
Builder: General contractor and executer of concrete works: Kiikri Ehitus OÜ, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS

Name of the object: The joint study and accommodation building of the Narva Study Centre of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences and the University of Tartu Narva College
Customer: The Academy of Internal Affairs and the University of Tartu
Architect: 3+1 arhitektid OÜ
Engineering: Arro & Agasild Inseneribüroo OÜ

Image: Maris Tomba; Source:
Joint study and accommodation building of the Narva Study Center of the Academy of Internal Affairs and the Narva College of the University of Tartu. Image: Maris Tomba; Source:

Sel aastal korraldati konkurssi Aasta betoonehitis 2020 juba 20ndat korda ning Eesti Betooniühingu juhatuse esimees Tiit Rootsi sõnul osaleb sel korral võistlusel eriti mitu hoonet. Lisaks mitmetele nominentidele on üle aastate lai hoonete geograafiline katvus. Nominentide hulka on valitud koolihooneid, lasteaedu, eramuid ja kortermaju, tootmis- ja büroohooneid, rannapromenaad ja sadam, tervishoiurajatisi ja ujula ning palju muud.

Meet all nominees of the 2020 contest here.

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