
E-Betoonelement entered five objects in the Concrete Building of the Year 2012 competition


University of Tartu Narva College, residential building on Jõeoti St., Lilleküla passenger tunnel, LoodusInvest warehouse and Laagri RIMI shopping centre are the five objects that E-Betoonelement entered in the Concrete Building of the Year 2012 competition.

University of Tartu, Narva College
Architects: Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil and Katrin Koov, Kavakava OÜ
Argument for the suggestion: Unique façade that imitates the baroque façade of a stock exchange building in negative that once stood in the same place.

Jõeoti St. residential building
Architects: Kiur Lootus, Kersti Lootus, Lootusprojekt OÜ
Argument for the suggestion: Precast concrete residential building whose construction and finishing expertly joins grey and white concrete and glass. Partially white concrete internal walls that are visible as mould surfaces seem refreshing and exclusive in the home environment.

Lilleküla passenger tunnel
Architect: Engineering Bureau KPME OÜ
Argument for the suggestion: The tunnel is one of its kind in Estonia and the Baltic States on the whole. The main advantages of the solution are the speed of construction and the immediate load capacity of the tunnel, which enables reducing traffic obstructions or diversions to the minimum.

LoodusInvest warehouse
Architects: Andres Orav, Eva Kala, Architec OÜ
Ettepaneku põhjendus: Tegemist on Baashall™ tüüpi hoonega, millel vastavalt tehnoloogilisele vajadusele on suur sisemine kõrgus, seetõttu on kasutatud ülikõrgeid soojustatud välisseinaelemente kõrgusega 10.3 meetrit. Hoone välisviimistlus - paekivipesubetoon – sobib suurepäraselt keskkonda, kus hoone asub, krundil otse parkmetsa kõrval.

Laagri RIMI shopping centre
Architect: Architectural bureau Tõnis Tarbe
Argument for the suggestion: 500 mm hollow panel is used in 15 m wide nave for the very first time in Estonian history.

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