The Estonian Concrete Association is organising for the first time a training course on cast-in-situ concrete piles.
The training “Construction, calculation and design of cast-in-situ concrete piles" will be held on November 13 at Tallinn Construction School.
The training course is targeted to construction designers, builders, supervisory engineers and concrete manufacturers.
10.30 Registration and morning coffee
11.00 Introduction
Classification, terminology and definitions of cast-in-situ piles
Clarification of the problem with cast-in-situ piles made without reinforcement Chaired by: Riho Pras
11.20 Practice of cast-in-situ piles construction in Estonia
Technical capabilities of cast-in-situ piles
Displacement piles.
Work platform requirements for a drilling machine Veikko Vapper
Kelly-drilled bored piles. Casing-supported borehole, clay-based solution insulated borehole, use of an oscillator.
Advantages and disadvantages of the method. On materials. Kristjan Jassik
CFA piles, bored pile retaining walls, by using CCFA method.
Advantages and disadvantages of different methods. On materials.
Pile load tests.
Experience in geological engineering surveys.
Pile integrity testing. Martin Vaga
12.50 Lunch
13.50 Strength of concrete at cast-in-situ piles
Margin factors and resulting computational strength.
Real-time evolution of concrete strength. Peeter Paane and Riho Oras
14.10 Geological engineering surveys
Geological engineering surveys to calculate the pile load capacity and the volume of surveys required. Pile geotechnical capacity calculation. Lehar Leetsaar
14.40 Calculation and design of cast-in-situ piles
Calculation and design of cast-in-situ piles as concrete elements according to EVS-EN 1992 1-1 “Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures” Johannes Pello
15.40 Discussion, suggestions for further action
16.00 End of the training
The participants will receive 5,0 täiendõppe punkti. Tasuta lõunasöök kooli sööklas ja parkimine kohtade olemasolul kooli parklas.
Osalemise eelduseks on registreerumine hiljemalt 7. novembriks 2019. Registreeumiseks tuleb saata registreerumisvorm (mis on leitav hereto the e-mail address .
Participation fee: 65 €, for the members of the Estonian Concrete Association: 45 €VAT will be added to the price.
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