
At the Concrete Day celebration on March 30, the winner of the "Concrete Building of the Year 2021" will be announced


This year, the Concrete Day will take place on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 1pm-6pm, at the Cruise Terminal of the Port of Tallinn (Logi 4/2, Tallinn). At the Concrete Day celebration, the winner of the "Concrete Building of the Year 2021" will be announced.

13.00 Introduction - Urmas Vaino, presenter of the event
13.10 Welcome speech - Imre Leetma, Chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia
13.15 200 years of Estonian concrete construction. At the source.
Uno Trumm, historian, Foundation of Virumaa Museums
13.45 International cooperation in the restoration of concrete structures
Riin Alatalu, Vice-President of ICOMOS, Chairman of the Council for Heritage Protection, Associate Professor of Heritage Protection and Restoration at the Estonian Academy of Arts
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia muinsuskaitse ja restaureerimise dotsent
14.15 From a sandbit to UT Narva College. Cooperation between an architect and a civil engineer
Siiri Vallner, architect, Kavakava AB
Maari Idnurm, constructor, Ekspertiis ja Projekt OÜ
14.45 Coffee break
15.15 The assessment method for building life cycle carbon footprint in Estonia
Jarek Kurnitski, professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Director of the Institute of Construction and Architecture
Ehituse ja arhitektuuri instituudi direktor
16.00 Introduction of the nominees to the "Concrete Building of the Year 2021" award and the announcement of winners
Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury of the competition, honorary member of the Concrete Association of Estonia.
16.35 Presentation of the winning work of the "Concrete Building of the Year 2021"
16.45 Buffet - Reception
18.00 The end of the Concrete Day


Since the Cruise Terminal is located in the border zone, identification is required.
For participants of the Concrete Day, please register by 25 March 2022 at the latest.

Register for the Concrete Day HERE.

Location of the Cruise Terminal:
Parking - Europark car park in front of the Cruise Terminal, at Logi 6 (EP195): Daily parking fee - 6 euros.
All reasonable COVID-19 pandemic restrictions will apply at the events of the Estonian Concrete Association.

Source: Estonian Concrete Association

See also:
News: E-Betoonelement has entered two projects for the Concrete Building of the Year competition projekti
News: 16 buildings to participate in the Concrete Building of the Year 2021 competition

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