
Your opinion is needed


Dear Baltic Unit Leader! 

In E-Betoonelement we have had for the last 7 years, a simple, affordable, and nice tradition to remind and thank our customers and partners at the end of the year by visiting them and giving them a meaningful gift. Now I hope to bring us all into the same boat and create a new common tradition for One Baltic contacts relationship.

Below I write about the background: how we have categorized our clients and what gifts have we made them. Hope you like the idea and we can use the same concept in all units!

We have categorized our contacts into three groups:

  1. Top Level - Most important projects and key customers who are related to bigger projects €200,000+ - they get a personalized (by project name and year) statue, sweets, and a Consolis calendar (see point 2 below).
    This custom-made bronze statue mounted on a concrete block is done based on the current year's zodiac sign. Our top clients have already a collection of unique statues that symbolize our successful cooperation through the years. This has always been an emotional and well-received gift by our customers that elevates the relationship and reminds us of projects that we have accomplished together.
    This year's statue animal will be the rabbit - the first sample is ready, see the image below. (there you can see also samples from previous years. Finished statue is like the one with bull - statue with golden label with project information)

    The price for the Statue is apx 200€/pcs

2. Second Level - All very important contacts get a calendar and sweets (calendar "A2", price apx 20€/pcs) aims to be on the receiver's wall for a whole year. The design in concrete related and it should be something neutral and art-based. We have used concrete surface pictures from E-Betoonelement's picture bank.
For One Baltic purpose we would add this year the national holidays and Flag days of all three countries and all three BU logos (it will strengthen the concept of One Baltic in the team and is also a message to the outside world - we are one unit!). The design will come from Estonia, but printing should be arranged locally.

For general reference, you can check E-Betoonelement's Calendar 2023 Ebetoon_seinakalender_2023_prev

3. Third Level - And our last contacts group is everyone who needs to be remembered - we send them an electronic email card (Consoli's template).

Please find below a questionnaire where I would kindly ask your opinion. Based on this we can form a tradition on Baltics level towards handling our customer's gifts.

Important notice - I will need your feedback latest 20.09.23.

Your opinion is needed

Please answer the survery below!

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