
The new executive director of the Concrete Association of Estonia is Toomas Vainola

Toomas Vainola said

As of November, the executive director of the Concrete Association of Estonia is Toomas Vainola. The former executive director Peeter Kokk retired.

“In Toomas Vainola we found an executive director who is very experienced and capable as an organiser and who we hope will be of great help in advancing the Concrete Association,” said Tiit Roots, chairman of the board of the Concrete Association of Estonia. “He has long and closely been involved in different aspects of concrete construction. Vainola has also been involved in the development of our specialised association from the very establishment of the Concrete Association,” Roots added.

Toomas Vainola (born 1960) has graduated from the Tallinn University of Technology as a civil engineer, having majored in industrial and civil engineering (1983). He has worked as a foreman at EKE EMV (1983–1989), director of the AS E-Betoonelement factory (1989–1994), chairman of the board of AS Rudus (1994–2016).

Concrete Association of Estonia is an association promoting the use of concrete as a local construction material that comprises 54 enterprises.

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Tiit Roots, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Concrete Association

Phone: 50 42 228; e-mail: 

Toomas Vainola, Eesti Betooniühingu tegevdirektor,

Phone: 50 366 50; 648 1918; e-mail:

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