Kuklase Street apartment buildings. Photo:

The concrete elements for the Kuklase Street apartment buildings will be supplied by E-Betoonelement


E-Betoonelement and construction company Mitt & Perlebach OÜ signed a co-operation contract for the assembly elements to be supplied for the Kuklase Street apartment buildings.

  • Project: 16/18 Kuklase Street apartment buildings
  • Customer: Mitt & Perlebach OÜ
  • Services: manufacture and transport of reinforced concrete elements
  • Product nomenclature: Hollow core slabs, columns, beams, inner and outer wall elements, and stairs

The supply of E-Betoonelement lasts until October 2016 and the apartment buildings will be completed in 2017.

Kuklase tn 16/18 kortermajad paiknevad Sipelga elurajoonis Mustamäe linnaosas. Rajatavate kortermajade läheduses asuvad mitu kooli ja lasteaeda ning kaubanduskeskused. Hoonetekompleksist 400 meetri kaugusele asub meelelahutusliku suunitlusega 13 500 m² suurune Mustamäe Keskus.


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