
The last element for Järve Towers delivered


E-Betoonelement delivered the last element to Järve Towers that are soon to be completed. In cooperation with our long-term partner TTP, an important landmark in the form of two beautiful high-rise buildings has been built on the Tallinn basin, one of them with 18 and the other 19 storeys. With beautiful and unique architecture, the buildings attract the attention of all passers by at the same time offering its residents a stunning view to the city of Tallinn and the bay.

E-Betoonelemendi töövõtt Järve tornidel hõlmas projekteerimist, tootmist, transporti ja paigaldust. Koostöö arendaja TTP-ga jätkub Õismäel asuva Pöörise elamukvartali ehitamisel. 

Project: Järve tornid, Järve tn 2, Tallinn
Customer: TTP AS
Architect: Martin Aunin
Services: Element solution - design, manufacturing, transport and installation. 
E-Betoonelement project manager: Toomas Böttcher

Toomas Böttcher, E-Betoonelement project manager: “The Järve Towers project is an important milestone for E-Betoonelement, because the 18- and 19-storey towers are the first such tall buildings to be made of elements manufactured by our factories.

I am truly pleased with the team of E-Betoonelement, from the design, manufacture of the elements in the factory to the installers on site, everyone contributed to the greatest extent and worked very well together. I would also like to thank the designers from our sister company CES, and cooperation partners from Empius OÜ and DMT Insenerid OÜ, whose contribution was crucial for the timely completion of the project.

The complete element solution for the towers, from design to installation, also enabled us to offer the best possible quality to our good and long-term partner TTP, and we are pleased to have once again completed such an important project for both companies."

Järve Towers are to be completed in 2021.

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