
The completed Toom-Kuninga apartment buildings enchant with their exterior


The completed Toom-Kuninga apartment buildings won't leave anyone indifferent. The precast houses are modern and eye-catching on the outside, and comfortable and practical in the inside, while located in the city center close to everything you need.

Project: Toom-Kuninga 15-19, 21, Tallinn
Customer: Kiikri Ehitus OÜ
Developer: Metro Capital
Architect: Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid OÜ
Contracting: production and supply of precast elements

While being sizeable, the apartment buildings are divided into multiple contextually harmonious parts that appear as separate buildings with different external facades.

„Korterelamutes on pandud suur rõhk arhitektuurile, ehituskvaliteedile ja muidugi korterite kasutusmugavusele. Betoonelementidest terviklahendus on sellistele nõudmistele sobiv ehitusviis pakkudes muuhulgas kiiret püstitust, võimaldades avaraid korterilahendusi ning väikseid hoolduskulusid,” ütleb Consolis Baltikumi tehnika- ja arendusjuht Vaido Leosk.

„Oleme Consolises pühendunud betoonfassaadide tootmisele ja valminud korterelamud on heaks näiteks sellele. Korterelamute of concrete walls välisviimistluses tuleb esile betooni eksponeerimise võimekus – kasutatud on nii musta, valget kui ka roostekarva viimistlust, millest viimane on saavutatud patina teel. Kaunid pinnad annavad ümbritsevale keskkonnale juurde mõnusa eristuva aktsendi, aga olles sealjuures elegantsed ja kaunid. Projekti õnnestumisse panustas rahvusvaheline meeskond, kus betoonelemente tarniti ka Läti ja Leedu sõsarettevõtete tehastest,“ lisab Vaido Leosk.

"At the Harku plant of E-Betoonelement, we launched the production of polished concrete surfaces on an automated production line, which gives architects another opportunity to put their ideas into practice," he adds.

The buildings are of energy class Bwith environmentally friendly and energy - efficient solutions. The apartments have spacious interiors with high ceilings and practical layout. The buildings have 1-2 bedroom apartments, as well as 3-4 bedroom family apartments.

The Uus Maailm district in Tallinn, where apartment buildings are located, is a rapidly developing residential area with pleasant cafes, a cinema, shops, kindergartens and parks nearby. Due to the modern appearance, practicality and good location, many people have already found their ideal home in these apartments.

Uudis 27. juuni 2019 – Metro Capital set a cornerstone to the new apartment building in Uus Maailm

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