
The manager of infrastructure products of E-Betoonelement Kairet Luiga will speak on this year’s Technology Day


The Estonian Concrete Society and TTK University of Applied Sciences will organise the Concrete Technology Day in TTK University of Applied Sciences on October 17 at 12:30-17:00, where also the manager of infrastructure products of E-Betoonelement Kairet Luiga will hold speech. The paper will provide more detailed overview of segment tunnels and box-beams.

12:00 Registration
12:30 Seaplane hangars through the eyes of the builder – Alari Kompus, Nordecon AS
13:15 New precast r/c solutions in infrastructure facilities – Kairet Luiga, E-Betoonelement AS
14:00 Coffee break in the lobby on IV floor
14:30 Is activity monitoring necessary on the construction site? – Erki Soekov, Tallinn University of Technology
15.15 Rahvusvahelised sillad - sillaehitus raketise vaatenurgast – Bernhard Lindner, Saksamaa (ettekanne inglise keeles, tagatud otsetõlge)
16.45 Summary of the Technology Day

Precondition for participation is registration. The participants will get 4.5 credit points of in-service training of the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers. Please send the registration sheets before October 10 to the e-mail address.  or fax 648 9062.
Registration form 

Participation fee is 50 euros.
Eesti Betooniühingu liikmed - 35 eurot.
Full-time students of TTK UAS and TUT – free.
Participation fee includes: participation in training, training materials, coffee breaks.

After registration we shall send you a confirmation together with an electronic invoice. Please make payment on the basis of the received invoice to the bank account of the Estonian Concrete Society no. 102 200 5222 4015 in SEB Bank.

Further information: telephone: 648 1918, fax: 648 9062, e-mail: 

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