
Specialists from Consolis conduct a training at the EEL webinar on 26 November


On 26 November, the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers will organize a webinar „Betoonkarkassi projekteerimine ja ehitamine. Arvutuseelduste arvestamine ehitamisel ning montaažitingimuste arvestamine projekteerimisel.”

The presenters of the webinar will be Alar Käes (CES OÜ, authorized civil engineer, level 8) and Marko Haabjärv (E-Betoonelement OÜ paigaldusosakonna juhataja). Koolitus kestab kella 10-14.30ni ning on jaotatud kahte osasse – teooria ja näiteid praktikast.

Please find the program with topics here.

Kõik koolitusel osalejad saavad tunnistuse 4.6 TP-ga ning osavõtutasu on 140 EURi (+km). EEL, EKVÜ, EVKIS, EGÜ ja EVL liikmetele on osavõtutasu 95 EURi (+km).

To participate, you are required to register by 24 November at the latest, by sending an email to  or filling in a form on the website of Estonian Association of Civil Engineers (please find the form here).

NB! Make sure you include your e-mail where to send a link that authorizes your participation in the training.

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