The Acontank™ storage tank is made of reinforced concrete wall elements. Factory-based production ensures the quality of the elements and the modular system, in turn, their operational installation on site. The tank is designed in accordance with the customer's needs (storage required, used handling technology), taking into account on-site conditions (soil load and embankment, groundwater level). A team of Estonian professionals with Swedish training and years of experience in the construction of tanks is responsible for the construction of the tank. Tanks are given a 5-year warranty.
The price of the tank is calculated on the basis of the needs of the customer and the specifics of the project. The purchase of a liquid manure storage facility to modernize the manure economy can be financed through European support programs.
Advantages of Acontank™ farm tank:
- long-life (corrosion and leakproof);
– maintenance free;
- flexible installation: above ground, partially or completely submerged;
- meets the customer's needs: open or covered construction;
- easy and fast installation.
Acontank™ farm tank capacity:
- capacity 120 m³ to 9398 m³;
- diameter 7.4 m (10 elements) up to 44.7 m (60 elements);
- the height of the tank wall elements can be selected according to the required storage capacity of 3, 4 or 6 meters.
Tanks and reservoirs:
- in use in 20 countries around the world;
- almost 30 years of experience, Acontank ™ tanks are manufactured under license (ABETONG AB, Växsjö, Sweden);
- more than 220 tanks with a total capacity of more than 800 000 m3 installed.
The complete solution provided by CABRO for storing liquid manure involves the whole production cycle of the container:
- prior consultation, selection of optimal processing technology and technical solution in accordance with requirements and on-site conditions;
- technical design of the container;
- preparation of the construction site and construction of the container bottom;
- control of drainage with observation well;
- production and delivery of wall elements;
- assembly and connection leakage protection;
- post-tension with weathertight coated steel ropes;
– containers warranty service.
Consolis E-Betoonelemendi CABRO team produces modern and economic concrete element Aconsilo™ silage storages by the Swedish company Abetong AB licence.
CABRO long experience and the quality solution from Aconsilo™ offer a well working and safe solution witch will work also for the upcoming generations.
Aconsilo™ silo storage benefits:
- the elements are made of weather-resistant granite slag concrete;
– flexible installation - you can build it all at once or in stages,
- you have the ability to add sections also later;
- smart solution - silo storage is based on sections
- 0,5% angle towards the collection channel
- its possible to use up to 30 t heavy equipment
– neat and nice looking construction
– storage complies with EU environmental requirements.
- can be used as grain storage
Aconsilo™ silo storage dimensions:
– element width 3m;
– element and storage height 3 m, 3,4 m or 4 m
– floor plate suggested thickness 140 mm.
CABRO team builds the storages as full service solution, starting from drawings and up to full installation:
– consultation;
– technical solution depending on the local needs and conditions;
- technical design of the container;
- preparation of the construction site and construction of the container bottom;
- Easy and quick installation;
- bottom plate reinforcement and concreting;
– building of the silo storage collection channel;
– covering the silo storage walls with bitumen based protective cover.
Betoonelementidest seinad soojadele sea- ja loomalautadele ning lindlatele.
Elementidest on võimalik koostada mitmesuguse väliskuju ja suurusega hoidlaid,
tugiseinu ja piirdeid.
About the solution
Tehases valmistatud standardsed L-kujulised tugiseinaelemendid, mille rea- ja nurgaelemente on võimalik omavahel kombineerida nii, et nendest ehitatava
hoidla saab kujundada vastavalt vajadustele ja kohapealsetele oludele.
Vajadusel on tugiseintele võimalik toetada metallpostide abil puidust või
metallist katusekonstruktsioon.
• Tahkesõnnikuhoidlad
• Viljahoidlad
• Puistematerjalide hoidlad
• Muud tugiseinad
Joonis 1.
Joonis 2.
Joonis 3.
Joonis 4.
The Acontank™ storage tank is made of reinforced concrete wall elements. Factory-based production ensures the quality of the elements and the modular system, in turn, their operational installation on site. The tank is designed in accordance with the customer's needs (storage required, used handling technology), taking into account on-site conditions (soil load and embankment, groundwater level). A team of Estonian professionals with Swedish training and years of experience in the construction of tanks is responsible for the construction of the tank. Tanks are given a 5-year warranty.
The price of the tank is calculated on the basis of the needs of the customer and the specifics of the project. The purchase of a liquid manure storage facility to modernize the manure economy can be financed through European support programs.
Advantages of Acontank™ farm tank:
- long-life (corrosion and leakproof);
– maintenance free;
- flexible installation: above ground, partially or completely submerged;
- meets the customer's needs: open or covered construction;
- easy and fast installation.
Acontank™ farm tank capacity:
- capacity 120 m³ to 9398 m³;
- diameter 7.4 m (10 elements) up to 44.7 m (60 elements);
- the height of the tank wall elements can be selected according to the required storage capacity of 3, 4 or 6 meters.
Tanks and reservoirs:
- in use in 20 countries around the world;
- almost 30 years of experience, Acontank ™ tanks are manufactured under license (ABETONG AB, Växsjö, Sweden);
- more than 220 tanks with a total capacity of more than 800 000 m3 installed.
The complete solution provided by CABRO for storing liquid manure involves the whole production cycle of the container:
- prior consultation, selection of optimal processing technology and technical solution in accordance with requirements and on-site conditions;
- technical design of the container;
- preparation of the construction site and construction of the container bottom;
- control of drainage with observation well;
- production and delivery of wall elements;
- assembly and connection leakage protection;
- post-tension with weathertight coated steel ropes;
– containers warranty service.
Consolis E-Betoonelemendi CABRO team produces modern and economic concrete element Aconsilo™ silage storages by the Swedish company Abetong AB licence.
CABRO long experience and the quality solution from Aconsilo™ offer a well working and safe solution witch will work also for the upcoming generations.
Aconsilo™ silo storage benefits:
- the elements are made of weather-resistant granite slag concrete;
– flexible installation - you can build it all at once or in stages,
- you have the ability to add sections also later;
- smart solution - silo storage is based on sections
- 0,5% angle towards the collection channel
- its possible to use up to 30 t heavy equipment
– neat and nice looking construction
– storage complies with EU environmental requirements.
- can be used as grain storage
Aconsilo™ silo storage dimensions:
– element width 3m;
– element and storage height 3 m, 3,4 m or 4 m
– floor plate suggested thickness 140 mm.
CABRO team builds the storages as full service solution, starting from drawings and up to full installation:
– consultation;
– technical solution depending on the local needs and conditions;
- technical design of the container;
- preparation of the construction site and construction of the container bottom;
- Easy and quick installation;
- bottom plate reinforcement and concreting;
– building of the silo storage collection channel;
– covering the silo storage walls with bitumen based protective cover.
Betoonelementidest seinad soojadele sea- ja loomalautadele ning lindlatele.
Elementidest on võimalik koostada mitmesuguse väliskuju ja suurusega hoidlaid,
tugiseinu ja piirdeid.
About the solution
Tehases valmistatud standardsed L-kujulised tugiseinaelemendid, mille rea- ja nurgaelemente on võimalik omavahel kombineerida nii, et nendest ehitatava
hoidla saab kujundada vastavalt vajadustele ja kohapealsetele oludele.
Vajadusel on tugiseintele võimalik toetada metallpostide abil puidust või
metallist katusekonstruktsioon.
• Tahkesõnnikuhoidlad
• Viljahoidlad
• Puistematerjalide hoidlad
• Muud tugiseinad
Joonis 1.
Joonis 2.
Joonis 3.
Joonis 4.