
Safety Day 2023: Strengthening Safety at Consolis Baltics


In 2023, Consolis companies are proud to organize the annual event Safety Week. This event serves as an inspiration and a commitment to a safer workplace and the unity of our team. With 17 companies under the Consolis umbrella and a presence in the Baltics, including E-Betoonelement in Estonia, Consolis Latvija in Latvia, and Betonika in Lithuania, Safety Day 2023 symbolizes our shared dedication and concrete actions to ensure safety. We have consistently championed this cause and taken concrete steps to ensure safety. Along with daily observations, dedicated meetings, and performance metric reporting, Safety Day consolidates various safety trainings, workshops, and practical tasks into one day.

Dmitrijs Mezinskis, Consolis Baltics Operation Director, states, “We are focused both on long term safety strategy and everyday actions to ensure a safe work environment for all our employees, and once a year, we highlight safety and well-being in a full-day training event - Safety Day! In the Baltics, we have Safety Day at E-Betoonelement on September 25th, Betonika on September 27th, and Consolis Latvija on September 29th as part of Consolis Safety Week.
Ohutuspäev sisaldab hästi struktureeritud töötubasid, mida viivad läbi oma ala spetsialistid. Eesmärk on pakkuda töötajatele väärtuslikku juhendamist töökoha ohutuse suurendamisel ja üldise heaolu edendamisel. Töötoad hõlmavad tehnilisi aspekte nagu tõstukiga töötamist, ohutuid töövõtted, ohtude tuvastamist ja heaolu töökeskkonnas. Osalejad saavad ka esmaabi- ja tuleohutuskoolituse ning teadmised oskuslikult tuleohu korral reageerimiseks .
One important theme is the collective responsibility for a safe work environment, embodied in the slogan "Don't walk by." All employees are encouraged to actively identify and address potential hazards.
I am grateful for our teams' active participation and would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the organizers who have created these outstanding and educational workshops. Their dedication and educational wisdom are instrumental in helping us establish an even safer work environment, while also enhancing our skills, awareness, and colleagues’ well-being.”

Central Planner Baltics & Design Project Manager, Tatjana Sizova: "Ohutus Consolises is about creating a work environment where my colleagues and I feel safe and appreciated, where we can perform our tasks without unnecessary risks. Safety isn’t just a rule; it’s a promise we keep. Friendliness isn’t just a courtesy; it’s how we work together. These values shape an environment where everyone can feel good and develop. Safety Day’s theme, “Don’t walk by,” reminds us to take action - if I see something unsafe, I address it. We take care of each other.”

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In summary, Safety Day serves as a reminder of our shared responsibility and commitment to ensuring the safety of our colleagues. It emphasizes that a safe work culture can only be achieved when everyone actively cares and takes responsibility.

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