
Turnover of building material producers up by 7%


Tea Taruste, Äripäev

The turnover of the producers of building materials increased by 7% in nine months in comparison with the past year. Enno Rebane, the Head of the Estonian Association of Building Material Producers, said that a surprise was served by the producers of concrete elements who have turned their production into a good export article.

"Käesolev aasta on summaarselt kulgenud suhteliselt sarnasena eelmise aastaga. Õige pisuke pluss on küll positiivne, kuid tuleneb tervikuna ekspordi kasvust," sõnas Rebane. Siseturg on paraku endiselt miinuses, vaatamata eelmise aasta kui baasi väga madalale tasemele.

In nine months, the sales turnover of the companies belonging to the Estonian Association of Building Material Producers has increased by 7%, i.e. to EEK 3,978 million, in comparison with the same period last year.

Fresh concrete, paving stones, thermal insulation, wall and roof materials have been sold approximately in the same amount as last year. According to Rebane, the sale of crushed stone and sand are in the worst state.

"Üha enam avaldab mõju maanteeameti deklaratiivne kohustus kasutada tee-ehituses paljudes kohtades paekivikillustiku asemel tardkivimkillustikku. Seda vaatamata sellele, et tardkivimkillustiku kasutuselevõtu põhjus on tänases päevas muutunud põhjendamatuks ning lahtivõetud teekonstruktsioonid näitavad vana paekillustikaluse head seisukorda (näiteks Loo-Maardu, Liiapeksi-Loobu teelõigud). Paraku tundub, et mitte kedagi valitsuses ei huvita paekivitööstuse töökohad või kaevandamis- ja tööjõumaksude laekumine riigile – importmaterjali puhul lähevad need kõik välismaale," nentis Rebane.

Olulise üllataja osas on tema sõnul hetkel mõned betoonelementide tootjad, kes taas on oma kasuks pööranud ekspordi: "Tavapärasest siseturu materjalist on saanud tubli ekspordiartikkel. Eksport on betoonelementide tootegrupid aidanud tõusule, paraku on betooni vallas mitmeid ettevõtteid, mille käekäik veel väga raskes seisus," märkis ta.

The rise in turnover is characteristic of the sale of building foams, plastic tubes and wooden windows.

During nine months in 2010, building materials were exported in the volume of EEK 1,899 million, which is approximately EEK 400 million more than during the same period in 2009. OÜ Krimelte, a producer of building foams, has the biggest export turnover.

Besides OÜ Krimelte, more than three quarters of the sales volume of building materials is exported by AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted and producers of opening fillings AS Saku Metall, AS Metus-Est and AS Fenestra; more than half of the turnover has been exported by the producer of limestone products AS Nordkalk, the producer of wall materials AS Aeroc, the producer of plastic tubes OÜ Haka Plast, the producer of roof products OÜ Monier, the producer of concrete additives OÜ Remei Baltica, and the producers of opening fillings AS Viking Window, AS Saajos and OÜ T-Tammer.

Turnovers of companies in 9 months in 2010 (in millions of kroons)
1. Krimelte OÜ 761
2. AS Saint-Gobain Ehitustooted   231
3. AS Pipelife Eesti 222
4. AS E-Betoonelement 218
5. AS Rudus 193
6. AS Nordkalk 167
7. AS Saku Metall 157
8. AS Tartu Maja Betoontooted 117
9. AS Silikaat 101
10. AS Viking Window 100
11. AS Metus-Est 97

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