
Training of the Concrete Association of Estonia: “Requirements for reinforced concrete elements”


On 7 October, the training: “Requirements for reinforced concrete elements. Standards for reinforced concrete elements: principles, requirements, changes in standards” will be held at Ülemiste Hotel in Tallinn, Lennujaama tee 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Koolituspäev on kasulik betoonelementide tootjatele, projekteerijatele, paigaldajatele, järelevalvele - andes ülevaate Euroopa betoonelemente käsitlevatest standarditest; millised on betoonelementidele esitatavad nõuded, mille vastu eksitakse ja mis on selles vallas hiljuti muutunud.

09:15 Registration
09:30 Enno Rebane,, the ACMPE
Overview of standards for reinforced concrete elements, general principles and requirements for standardisation
10:00 Toomas Laur, Certification Centre of the Tallinn University of Technology
EVS-EN 13369:2006 Common rules for precast concrete products; EVS-EN 13670:2010 Execution of concrete constructions; about the requirements, standards and differences in the export of concrete elements.

Coffee break around 11 a.m.
12:15 Vello Otsmaa, docent at the Tallinn University of Technology
Reinforced concrete elements, standard EVS-EN 1168:2006+A2:2009 Hollow core slabs
13:00 End of the training

Participants will receive training points from the Estonian Civil Engineers Association.

The registration form can be found here. Please send the form by 24 September 2010 at the latest. to the e-mail address:  or fax 648 9062.
Osavõtumaks on 750 krooni. Eesti Betooniühingu liikmetele 400 krooni. Osavõtumaks sisaldab: osavõtu seminarist, seminarimaterjale ja kohvipausi.
After the registration, the CAE will send a confirmation together with an electronic invoice.
Additional information: telephone 648 1918, fax 648 9062

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