
E-Betoonelement: invest to export


Kaisa Gabral, Äripaev

Kaisa Gabral, Äripäev The Statistical Office of Estonia announced that building materials manufacturers were among those who had nicely grown in February this year. E-Betainelement keeps exporting on target. "

"Meie tööstusel on see teema, et võrreldes eelmise aastaga on kohalik turg samal tasemel, kuid me oleme üritanud leida väljundit väljapoole. Ehitajad ennustavad turu langust ja me oleme väljastpoolt aktiivsust otsinud,” märkis E-Betoonelement ASi juht Vaido Leosk.

"We are targeting export markets because local markets are not very optimistic. We mainly export to the Scandinavian countries, "Leosk added.

For the following months Leosk predicted a slight increase in the sector as a whole, but certainly not as optimistic as in February.

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