
E-Betoonelement has entered three sites for the Concrete Building of the Year competition


E-Betoonelement entered three nominees for the Concrete Building of the Year 2017 competition organised by the Estonian Concrete Association and the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia.

Nursing home Skärvet, Växjö, Southern Sweden

Architect: Kjellander and Sjöberg Architects
Developer: Strängbetong AB
Builder: Strängbetong AB
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement, Strängbetong AB

Justification for the proposal: The buildings have facade elements with an exclusive and unusual appearance. These are inspired by textile. Embroidery and knitting patterns are recognisable on the facade. One facade features four different alternating patterns.

Nursing home Skärvet, Växjö, Southern Sweden

Apartment buildings Pikk street 43, 45, 47, Tartu
Customer: Avaare Kinnisvara OÜ
Architect: Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ
Developer: Tari AS
Builder, main contractor and performer of concrete work: Ehitustrust AS, E-Betoonelement AS
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement, Strängbetong AB

Justification for the proposal: Apartment buildings are built using prefabricated reinforced concrete panels, and the concept of buildings is based on functionality, suitability in the environment and energy efficiency.
Pika tänava hoonete fassaad on pilkupüüdev - kasutatud on kahe erineva laiuse ja tihedusega triipe, mis tumedaks värvitud.
The buildings are insulated using PIR insulation, which hasn’t been used a lot in Estonian projects. It is a material with very low thermal conductivity that significantly reduces the heating need of buildings in the winter.

Mustamäe tervisekeskus - Ehitajate tee 27, Tallinn
Tellija: Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla
Architect: Visuaal OÜ
Developer: Ehitusekspertiisibüroo OÜ
Builder, main contractor and performer of concrete work: Building company Rand & Tuulberg AS, E-Betoonelement AS
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement

Justification for the proposal: A building with a very interesting architectural and functional design with a circular atrium passing through all the floors in the centre of the building. The building expertly combines glass and concrete with the front facade made of glass and smoothly transitioning into concrete. The curved facade of the building is intended for the sake of appearance, but it also offers functionality, helping to save space and plan offices better. The building places great emphasis on energy efficiency, which is assisted by the energy storage capacity of concrete elements. Mustamäe District has gained an energy efficient building that serves the interests of the population and easily blends into the environment.

Mustamäe Health center, Ehitajate road 27

In addition, the E-Betoonelement's buildings will take part in the competition:

Veerenni Health Center
Asukoht: Veerenni 53A, Tallinn
Customer: Veerenni Health Center
Architecture: Sirkel&Mall OÜ (Veiko Tein)
Developer: Sirkel&Mall OÜ (Heigo Tuttelberg)
Builder: Ehitusfirma Rand ja Tuulberg AS
Concrete work: E-Betoonelement AS, Lemminkäinen AS, Viacel OÜ, Savekate OÜ
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement

Stera production building at Allika Industrial park
Location: Allika Industrial park, Angerja road 53, Harku municipality, Harju county
Customer: Harju Elekter AS
Architecture: Architec OÜ (Andres Orav)
Developer: E-Betoonelement AS
Builder: Ehitusfirma Rand ja Tuulberg AS
Concrete work: HR Tecno OÜ, E-Betoonelement AS
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement

Warehouse hotel at Allika Industrial park
Location: Allika Industrial park, Angerja road 53, Harku municipality, Harju county
Customer: Harju Elekter AS
Architecture: Architec OÜ (Andres Orav)
Developer: E-Betoonelement AS
Builder: Ehitusfirma Rand ja Tuulberg AS
Concrete work: HR Tecno OÜ, E-Betoonelement AS
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement

Market at Balti Jaam
Location: Kopli 1, Tallinn
Customer: Astri Kinnisvara OÜ
Architecture: KOKO Arhitektid OÜ (Raivo Kotov)
Developer: Neoprojekt OÜ (Marti Sein)
Builder: Mapri Ehitus OÜ
Concrete work: Mapri Ehitus OÜ, FCC OÜ, Reme Grupp OÜ, Bildex Grupp OÜ
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement
Concrete: Rudus AS
Form work: Doka Eesti OÜ

Film museum
Location: Pirita road 64, Tallinn
Customer: Estonian museum of History
Architecture: OA OÜ (Anto Savi, Jürgen Lepper, Margus Soonets)
Developer: Virtex OÜ (Konstantin Kublov)
Builder: Oma Ehitaja AS
Concrete work: Raunopol AS
Supplier of concrete products: AS E-Betoonelement
Concrete: HC Betoon AS
Form work: Peri AS

The winner of the competition will be announced on the Concrete Day taking place in March of next year.

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