
E-Betoonelement's parent company Consolis sold the railway unit


E-Betoonelement's parent company Consolis and TowerBrook Capital Partners entered into a transaction for the sales of Rail division.

Leping on jõustunud ja endine Consolise raudteedivisjoni Eesti ettevõte Swetrak kuulub nüüdsest Euroopa betoonliipritele  ja raudteesüsteemidele spetsialiseeruvasse gruppi SATEBA. Swetrak OÜ (Sateba Estonia) säilitab oma juriidilise nime, küll aga muutub ettevõtte logo.

Swetrak uus logo Sateba

SATEBA is a European leader in its field and supplies all major European railway networks. The company employs 1,000 people in ten countries and has annual revenue of 200 million euros.

„See tehing võimaldab Consolisel keskenduda oma põhitegevusele. Soovime oma kolleegidele edu!” ütles Mikael Stöhr, CEO of Consolis..

Benoit Cattin-Martel, the CEO of SATEBA points out: "This is the beginning of a new adventure, driven by the commitment of our teams, our technological expertise and our close cooperation with all railway companies to advance our responsibility for sustainable development, passenger safety and growth."

The company was officially launched on Monday, April 12, 2021.

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