
Design Night festival features the collaboration between students and E-Betoonelement


Design students of Tallinn University Haapsalu College used the production residues of E-Betoonelement to present their final and year works. The main theme of this annual festival is Vajaduspõhine disain / Design for Need. Töid saab näha sel aastal juba 15ndat juubelit tähistava disainifestivali Disainiöö raames.

The festival will take place from 14 to 20 September in various places all over Tallinn. This time, the center of the festival has been brought to the hangars of the former Põhjala rubber factory on the Kopli peninsula.

The festival has a busy program and most of the events are free for visitors. The program includes an excursion to North Kopli, which provides an opportunity to see the iOhouse design house, as well as various product design exhibitions. More information about the festival and its program can be found here.

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