




E-Betoonelement offers design services for all its products and solutions. This enables us to provide the best in class knowledge in relation to design process and a smooth cooperation between the client, producer, and the installer. 


Tammi road 51, Harku 76915 
Saue vald, Harju maakond
Telefon: +372 5382 0402

BIM - Building Information Modeling

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a building information modeling, organizing and managing platform that involves all building project partners. The BIM includes the model of the building (with all its properties) and enables the use of this model for all partners.

BIM`s main advantages:

  • The meaningful use of resources
  • Less duplication
  • Controlled material supplies
  • Less paper
  • Better delivery order
  • Real-time project´s progress overview

BIM in element industry

Projekteerimises kasutame Tekla BIM tarkvara. Juba pakkumise staadiumis loome kavandatavast hoonest 3D mudeli. See mudel jääb kogu edasise töö aluseks, mida vastavalt projekti staadiumitele järjest täiendame ja täpsustame.

The construction of the bidding project is based on the architect's architectural project in ifc format (see detail in the lower part of the text) or as AutoCAD dwg file.

On the contrary, it is possible to act as the basis for the work to give the created constructive model to the architect. It is also possible to use a constructive model to provide designers with special components to which they can add ventilation, piping, cabling, etc. - information, which in turn serves as the starting point for our design.

The bid model shows the structure and elemental division of the building (panels and shapes of panels). You can make a summary of the volumes and the weight of the item.

The model will be supplemented when drafting the work. Elements are added environmental classes, layers of protection, tolerances, finishes, fire resistance, thermal conductivity and other characteristic information. The armature and formwork, ventilation openings, electric sinks, and the like are applied to the model. The information entered is digitized in our production planning software. The model also generates product lines for the elements.

On the basis of the installation steps and planned delivery dates introduced into the model, all parties to the project will see the dates of casting, delivery and installation, and items delivered and installed. Production can look at the design stage of the elements. It is possible to monitor the progress of the project in real time.

The use of the model from the bidding phase will greatly save time and avoid errors.

Download: BROCHURE.

BENEFITS of the element industry

BIM_terviklik lahendus_Betoonelement

Planning solutions

  • The 3D geometric model makes it easy and quick to get an overview of the building as a whole, to see the relationships between different details and elements.
  • In spatial form, it's easier to understand the geometry of complex, non-standard elements.
  • By incorporating 3D components into specific model, there is a better overview of the locations of pipes and electrical equipment and possible conflicts. Thanks to the more convenient information exchange, it is easy to find a suitable place for the pipes in the design system.
  • Model overview allows to quickly model, review and compare different alternatives.



  • A well-designed model will provide information about the materials and quantities used in the project before the drawings are completed.
  • On this basis, it is possible to plan the purchase of materials necessary for the element's casting
  • Using the time feature of the model, the contradictions in the delivery and production schedules are easy to find and can prevent errors in the planning of the installation.
  • Since the model can simulate the flow of the supply chain at an early stage of the project, then the accuracy of the actual deliveries will improve upon the object.

In production

  • BIM enables better resource planning - no need to wait for the final design of the product drawings, and thus improve the precision of planning at an early stage of the project.
  • The model makes it easier for the manufacturer to explain the shape and details of a complex element.
  • Possibility to use geometric information from the model for controlling production machines (preparation of armature, production of fully automated hollow core slabs, etc.).

Delivery and assembly

  • The model we offer during the bidding phase can be used by our installers to design an installation price.
  • During design and installation, it is easier for installers to examine the element´s assembly units.
  • The model can be used instead of paper drawings in the installation - see the location of the elements, connecting nodes and take the necessary measurements.

IFC - In order for BIM ideology to work, it is necessary to follow strict, uniform standards. Data is saved in the ifc file format. IFC (International Foundation Classes) is a data model developed by the international organization buildingSMART to enable digital information exchange (synchronization) between different parties in the field of construction (architecture, constructive part, ventilation, heating, electricity, etc.). IFC is registered as ISO 16739: 2013.

An all-in solution from a single partner

We plan
Planning and project management
We design
BIM and 3D model
We manufacture
High quality manufacture
We transport
Controlled deliveries
We assemble
Fast and accurate


When preparing an offer, we design a model, if necessary, which is based on an architectural design provided, preferably, by the architect in the ifc format. However, we can also use AutoCAD dwg files. Read more here.
The way around is also possible, we can give our structural model to the architect to use as a basis for their work. This approach has been used many times, for example, for our Baashall™ product.

In the quotation, we indicate the price for the structural part of the building together with the price of the installation and design service. The offered model includes the design of the load bearing part and the elements distribution (panel shapes and layouts) of the building. The model enables to estimate the volumes and weights of the elements.
Aat a bidding model, it can be seen the building´s carrier part structure and distribution of elements (panel statues and spreads). On the basis of a model, a summary can be made about the volumes and element weighs.

Project management

Once a client purchases a solution, we appoint an in-house project manager to coordinate the work. This means that the client only needs to communicate with a single representative of E-Betoonelement regarding all the works and services.


In the design we are focused on the all-in precast reinforced concrete solutions. As experts in the field, we can prepare the most optimal structural solution for the building at an early planning and design stage. 

Preparation of well-thought-out and correctly executed product drawings for elements based on the created solution for the use of factory workers is equally important. We use the 3D model (Tekla) and its advantages for designing.

Read more about designing here.


Most of our precast concrete elements are manufactured at our factories in Tamsalu and Harku. For large-scale projects, we cooperate with our sister companies within the Baltics .

If we design the precast concrete part of a building in-house it means we can transfer all the information necessary for the manufacture to the drawings in a timely manner and ensure that the elements are feasible and surface finishes, the location of steel parts in the element, as well as other details are well-thought-out based on the element specifications. We use materials that ensure functioning and compliant connections. We make sure that the elements are manufactured and delivered in accordance with the installation schedule.

Our products are manufactured in line with the applicable standards and regulations in Estonia. See the certificates issued to our factories..


If you order an all in-service solution, our installation team will organize the delivery of elements to the site. So, the clients do not need to tire themselves with scheduled ordering or the organization of unloading the elements at the site.


By using our in-house installation team, we can be sure that the best assembly techniques are applied to achieve the desired result. In addition to correctly installed elements and safety at work site, skilful assembly also means that the deviations within the tolerances of the elements and the assembly are eliminated. The accumulation of permissible tolerances is avoided and the visual outlook of the final solution is always kept in mind.
Vaido Leosk
Design and Development Manager | E-Betoonelement board member | Consolis Baltic Unit
+372 504 7662
Mati Jõgiste
Technical Designer
+372 671 2507
Tarmo Pikkar
Technical Designer
+372 518 7649
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