
Contracting of the courthouse has been completed


Tallinna uus kohtuhoone on tänaseks ametlikult avatud ja hoones on igapäevaste toimetustega alustatud. E-Betoonelemendi ja Astlanda Ehituse koostööst on Tallinnasse kerkinud väga väärikas ehitis, mis oma rahuliku ja mitmetahulise geomeetriaga toetab funktsiooni, mida seal täidetakse - õigusemõistmist.

Kristjan Leht, E-Betoonelement’s project manager for the courthouse:“The courthouse project was voluminous, offering challenges in both designing and manufacturing elements.
Contracting by E-Betoonelement comprised the design of the working project, designing and manufacturing elements. The products we delivered included hollow core slabs, columns, beams, stairs, interior and exterior wall elements.”

“When it came to external wall elements, the customer requested the use of concrete enriched with titanium dioxide that makes the surface of concrete bright and self-cleaning. The result is clearly visible in the new courthouse, as the elements aren’t standard grey, but rather light and bright, particularly in sunlight,” Kristjan adds.

The building is situated at Lubja St 4 in Tallinn; it has seven above-ground and three underground floors. The building houses Harju County Court, Northern District Prosecutor’s Office, and the agencies of the Centre of Registers and Information Systems.

The author of the architectural design of the courthouse with a net surface area of more than 25,000 square meters is Arhitektuuristuudio Siim & Kreis OÜ, authors Andres Siim and Kristel Ausing.

Designing the building proved to be quite the challenge, because the wishes of three tenants had to be taken into consideration. As well as security zones of different severity.

"Oli punane tsoon, kollane tsoon, roheline tsoon: punane tsoon, kuhu mitte keegi peaaegu ei saa minna, kollane tsoon, kus saavad käia kohtunikud ja töötajad ja siis roheline tsoon, mis on maja töötajate jaoks. Aga kõikide nende tsoonide inimeste, kes seal liiguvad, teed ei tohi üksteisega ristuda," selgitas Ausing.

According to AS Riigi Kinnisvara, the construction cost of the court building was 29.9 million euros.

Kohtuhoone E-Betoonelement

Kohtuhoone E-Betoonelement

Source used to upgrade: Tallinn´s new palace of justice

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