
Construction of the first of the two towers in Järve street soon to be completed


E-Betoonelemendi ja TTP koostöös valmiv suurprojekt – Järve tornid – on linnapildis üha enam tähelepanu köitev. E-Betoonelemendi töövõtus on tornide elementlahenduse projekteerimine, elemendid, transport ja paigaldus. Soodne talv on ehitusele hästi mõjunud ja hoone kerkib plaanipäraselt. Hetkel on 19- ja 18-korruseliste tornide elementlahendusest valminud juba vastavalt viisteist ja üksteist korrust ning tornide vahele jääv kahekorruseline äri-ja bürooplokk.

Project: Järve Towers
Address: Järve St 2, Tallinn
Customer: TTP AS
Architect: Martin Aunin
Services: elementlahendus – projekteerimine, tootmine, transport ja paigaldus. Tootejooniste koostamisel olid E-Betoonelelmendile abiks sõsarettevõte CES, Empius OÜ ja DMT insenerid OÜ.
Product nomenclature: Hollow core slabs, poles, beams, stairs, balconies, interior and exterior wall elements
E-Betoonelement project manager: Toomas Böttcher

Project manager Toomas Böttcher: Järve Towers project has been progressing well, mild winter has allowed to carry out construction works throughout the entire period and there has been no downtime due to cold weather. E-Betoonelement is the contractor of Järve Towers complete solution, which ultimately enables us to provide a well-functioning service, since the product moves from design to its final point only through the input of our own employees, which means product quality is controlled and information / changes are communicated promtly. For sure, there are situations that require attention and intervention during the construction, but everything is solved smoothly in the course of work. We have also a very good rapport with our client TTP, our long-standing partner with whom we have completed several important buildings, and we are currently working at Pöörise site. Our cooperation functions well and enables us to find the best solutions.

Järve Towers will be surrounded by high greenery and the interior of the building is inspired by the colours and forms of nature. Similarly to exterior white painted concrete surfaces, light, natural tones and high quality materials are used in interior design.

E-Betoonelemendi tööd esimesel tornil lõppevad aprillis ja teisel tornil märtsis. Kevadel ja suvel teostatakse vuukimis-ja värvimistööd . Esimene torn valmib lõplikult käesoleva aasta II pooles ja teine torn järgmisel, 2021., aastal.

You can watch the completion of Järve Towers in real time here:

Otseülekanne on lõppenud

Read also: Järve's unique towers are completed with elements

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