
Consolis welcomes new CEO - Mikeal Stöhr


On September 1, 2020, Mikael Stöhr took over as CEO of Consolis. Mikael has worked in the industrial and service sector for the last 25 years and for the last 15 years he has acted as a CEO of companies in various fields. Prior to joining Consolis, Mikael worked for 7 years as the CEO of Coor Services Management, a leading Nordic management company listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

Mikael describes the values that guide him at work:

"My first priority is our people and their safety. It is the people who bring results, and it is very important to me to continue developing "accident-free culture. arendamist. Minu teine veendumus on, et meie kliendid peavad olema kõigi meie tegemiste keskmes. Ning kolmandaks on minu prioriteet jätkata töötamist innovatsiooni ja parenduste nimel. Oluline on tulla välja ideedega, mida meie kliendid tahavad ja potentsiaalselt vajavad ning püsida esirinnas, eriti digitaalselt.”

Mikael expects people to communicate with him honestly and directly in order to identify together what is already working well, while paying attention to aspects that need to be changed.

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