
A new guideline by the Estonian Concrete Association - BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid


Eesti Betooniühing

Press release

The Estonian Concrete Association has published a new guideline  BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid (Concrete Element Tolerances)

The Estonian Concrete Association has issued a new guideline - BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid (Conrete Eelement Tolerances). First time in Estonian language, this guide summarizes and provides an overview of tolerance requirements set out by the standards and guidelines for the manufacture and construction of concrete elements.

"When constructing conrete elements, most of the work is done indoors preparing structures," said the head of the work group Vaido Leosk"Given Estonia's volatile climate, this is an important factor to consider in order to achieve controlled quality," Leosk added. 

To ensure economical construction, you need professional engineering that takes into account all specific factors of element construction, as well as appropriate technical skills both in the manufacture and installation of elements.

Vaido Leosk: "In order to make sure that the structure corresponds to the initial design task, we need to determine manufacturing, installation and marking tolerances (all together - construction tolerances) of the products, as well as their application at the factory and construction site."

The guideline "BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid" was prepared in cooperation with major Estonian manufacturers of concrete products and other construction professionals. In the course of writing the guideline, additional information was obtained from a variety of sources, most important of them being guidance materials issued in Sweden and Finland.

Juhendi „BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid” töörühma kuulusid: Vaido Leosk (E-Betoonelement AS), töörühma juht, Kirsti Aeg (Framm AS), Andres Hirve (Inseneribüroo PIKE OÜ), Aare Lessuk (E-Betoonelement AS), Urmas Paas (TMB Element OÜ), Jürgen Paat (Muuga Betoonelement AS), Tanel Tuisk (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool), Ahto Tuuling (Lasbet Tootmine AS), Toomas Vainola (Eesti Betooniühing) ja Enno Rebane (Eesti Ehitusmaterjalide Tootjate Liit).

The presentation of the new guideline took place on October 10 at the Concrete Technology Day held at Tallinn University of Technology.

Book appearance data:

BÜ9: Betoonelementide tolerantsid.

Juhendi töörühm: Vaido Leosk – töörühma juht, Kirsti Aeg, Andres Hirve, Aare Lessuk, Urmas Paas, Jürgen Paat, Enno Rebane, Tanel Tuisk, Ahto Tuuling, Toomas Vainola.

51 pages
Drawings by: Villu Salin; AS E-Betoonelement
Designed by: Eneken Moorlat.
Printed in: AS Pakett, 400 compies.
ISBN 978-9949-999-33-0.

The new guideline is available at the Estonian Concrete Association as well as the Estonian Building Centre.

The Estonian Concrete Association is a union established in order to promote concrete as a domestic construction material, aggregating 66 companies, organizations and individuals.

Read more:

Tiit Roots, Eesti Betooniühingu juhatuse esimees,

Phone: 50 42 228; e-mail: 

Toomas Vainola, Eesti Betooniühingu tegevdirektor,

Phone: 50 366 50; 648 1918; e-mail: - Trükised

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