Delfi Economy
The board of the Estonian Concrete Association elected yesterday Vaido Leosk, Chairman of the Board of AS E-Betoonelement, to be the new chairman of the association.
The current chairman, Mati Laurson, has led the concrete association for the last four years.
"I believe that in Estonia, every worthy concrete company has been given the honor to participate in joint work in the field of development and the improvement of the reputation of concrete as a domestic building material," said Vaido Leosk, Chairman of the Board of Eesti Betooniühing.
"We also want to involve companies and institutions that have not yet joined the concrete association. The more extensive the concrete community is, the more solid it can represent the common interests of the members, "added Leosk.
Betooniühing valis oma eilsel korralisel aastakoosolekul uue kaheksaliikmelise juhatuse, kuhu kuuluvad - Mati Laurson (OÜ Savekate), Imre Leetma (AS Kunda Nordic Tsement), Vaido Leosk (AS E-Betoonelement), Heiki Meos (OÜ EstKONSULT), Johannes Pello (Tallinna Tehnikaülikool), Tiit Roots (AS Peri), Risto Sappinen (AS Merko Ehitus Eesti), Kalle Suitslepp (AS Betoonimeister).