
Next week on Wednesday the 13th of March, the Concrete Day will be held where renowned pioneers of the field of architecture will be on the stage and the winner of the completion “Concrete Building of the Year 2018” will be announced. The Concrete Day will take place from 13:00 to 19:00 in the Estonian Academy of Arts, Põhja pst 7 Tallinn.

12:30 – Registration
13:00 – Opening of the Concrete Day. Host of the day Urmas Vaino. Welcoming words Tiit Roots,, chairman of the Concrete Association of Estonia
13:10 – About good public space. Kalle Vellevoog, Architectural Bureau JVR
13:50 – In America as a detective. New information on the work of August Komendant. Carl-Dag Lige, architectural historian, the Museum of Estonian Architecture.
14:30 – Coffee break
15:00 – Concrete concrete. Roger Riewe, Prof. Arch. DI, Riegler Riewe Architekten, Graz/Berlin (Presentation in English)
16:30 – Summary of the competition “Concrete Building of the Year 2018” and the announcement of winners. Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury of the competition “Concrete Building of the Year 2018”, honorary member of the Concrete Association of Estonia.
17:15 – Speech by the winner of the competition
17.30 – Buffet reception
19:00 – End of the Concrete Day

Who is Roger Riewe?
Born in Bielefeld, Germany in 1959, Roger Riewe studied at the Rhein-Westfalen University of Technology in Aachen. After graduation, he founded with Florian Riegler the bureau Riegler Riewe Architects in Graz and Berlin.
Riegler Riewe Architects (RRA) has engaged in urban planning, infrastructural projects (e.g. train stations) and the design of cultural buildings. It has also contributed to the creation of research centres in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The works of RRA have been acknowledged widely, incl. AIT Global Architecture Award and several nominations for the Mies Van der Rohe Award. The projects of RRA have been thoroughly introduced in the international media and displayed at exhibitions.

Roger Riewe has worked as a visiting professor in Amsterdam, Prague, Barcelona, Venice, Calgary, Houston, and Graz. He is the professor and the head of the Institute of Architecture Technology at the Graz University of Technology (in Austria).

Furthermore, Roger Riewe belonged to the international jury of the architectural competition of the new faculty building of the EAA that took place in 2008. Roger Riewe held a speech at our concrete day for the first time in 2007.

Betoonipäeval on avatud fotonäitus konkursi Aasta betoonehitis 2018 nominentidest ning 2000. - 2017. aastate võidutöödest.

Sündmusele pääseb kutsega. Tulijatel palutakse end registreerida hiljemalt 8. märtsiks 2019: .

AS E-Betoonelement has concluded a contract with Merko Ehitus Eesti AS to design, manufacture, and supply elements for the SG Commercial Building to be constructed next to Pärnu Road. The business centre will be located at the border of Nõmme and Kristiine city districts. It is designed as a three-storey retail and service space adjoined by a six-storey office space on one side of the building.

Project: SG Commercial Building
Address: Pärnu mnt 186, Tallinn
Customer: Merko Ehitus Eesti AS
Architect: Ülo Peil, Arhitektibüroo Peil OÜ
Services: elementide projekteerimine (Consolis CES), tootmine ja transport
Product nomenclature: hollow panels, posts, beams, and stairs
The project manager of E-Betoonelement: Kristjan Leht

“We design, manufacture, and supply the elements of the SG Commercial Building that will be located at the main artery of Tallinn. It is a fascinating construction solution, because retail, office, and parking spaces will be on different levels of the building. The rooftop car park solution of the building enables to access the retail and services spaces on the second floor in the future.

The element supplies of the commercial building constructed next to Pärnu Road will end in the summer of 2019. The building will be completed in 2020,” notes Kristjan Leht, the project manager of E-Betoonelement.

The unit of agricultural products of E-Betoonelement, CABRO™ participates at the Finnish farmers’ fair Sarka 2019 on February 1-2.

The Cabro™ team from E-Betoonelement will introduce the tank solution ACONTANK™ at the fair.

The farm tanks of Acontank™ consist of modular wall elements made of reinforced concrete. Their manufacture in a factory guarantees the quality of the elements, and the modular system ensures their operative installation at the working area. The tanks are planned according to the needs of a client (the necessary storage volume and applied handling technology), taking the local conditions into account (the bearing capacity and the relief of soil; level of soil water). A team of Estonian professionals with Swedish training and years of experience in the building of tanks is responsible for the execution of the construction works. The tanks have a 5-year warranty. The price of the tanks is calculated according to the needs of the client and the specifics of the project. You can find further information about the tanks here: Solutions

Representatives of agriculture, energy, forestry, and farming participate in the fair.

More about the Sarka Fair here:

The fair is open
Friday 9:00-17:00
Saturday 10:00-16:00

See you at the fair!


Äripäev, construction news, January 2019

Juuli Nemvalts

Optimization and profitability are discussed a lot in construction. Experts believe that standstills and failures at a construction site take about 70% of performance. Now, solutions are sought which would provide a chance to be more economic, identify possible deviations in a project, and arrange the whole logistics chain smoothly despite the object under construction.

AS E-Betoonelement, the service provider of construction of concrete elements, applies digital modelling (BIM—Building Information Modeling) in the enterprise, which enables to test a building by software and to understand the possible “bottlenecks” of constructions even before the work actually starts on the site.

Speaking of the advantages of using the digital model, the manager of the design department Jaanus Olop highlighted that all the material volumes are provided for the manufacturer in an elaborated model. As it is possible to enter the requirement of the materials to the software of the enterprise resource planning (the ERP system) automatically, there is no need to calculate any order of materials manually based on the drawings.

„Ühtlasti jäävad ära materjali käsitsi sisestamisel tekkivad eksimused,” lisab Olop, et mudelis on võimalik pilte ekraanil igast nurgast pöörata, mis võimaldab planeerida montaaži järjekorda vastavalt projektis kasutatud sõlmedele.

Kuna mudelisse on sisestatud ka ajafunktsioon, on võimalik prognoosida materjalide vajadusi ajas – et materjalid saaks õigeaegselt lattu valmis tellida. Eelnevalt saab kontrollida, kui palju elemendid kaaluvad, mis võimaldab kontrollida, et tellitav kraana oleks tööde teostamiseks piisav. Lisaks teeb virtuaalne mudel mugavamaks ehitusprotsesside skeemide jälgmise, loetleb Olop plusse. „Selgust on rohkem ja vigade arv väheneb.”

Marko Haabjärv, the manager of the installation department, mentions that whereas the designers who use the programme daily have good skills, the ones who do not use BIM at a construction site on a daily basis are in danger of not rooting the skills of software handling and the efficiency might be little.

Information flow

Ehituses juhtub sageli, et asjaolud täpsustuvad ja on vaja töö käigus projekti muuta. Olop rõhutab, et muutuste tegemisel on esmatähtis kõigile osapooltele teada anda mida ja milleks muudeti. „Muudatuste mõjude analüüsil on BIM mudel hindamatu abimees. Kuna koondmudelis on kõik projekti osad, on hea hinnata, mida toob endaga kaasa ühe seina asukoha muutmine ventilatsioonitorude või teiste seadmete paiknemise osas ja ka vastupidi – kui torud viia teise asukohta, on mudelis kergest hoomatavad erinevad ristumised,” räägib ta, et kui on soov talasid paigaldada, saab mudelist näha, kas need jäävad hiljem kraanale ette. Elementide tellimisel on lisaks mugav kontrollida, kas elementide platsile tellimise järjekord on õige või on kogemata jäänud kahe tala alune post tellimusest puudu.

„Ka on kergem mõjusid hinnata ja näha alternatiivseid variante,“ jätkab Olop, kelle sõnul on oluline, et ehitusel oleks kõigil võimalus BIM-i kasutada. „Oskus lugeda sisestatud infot ja teistele seda edsai anda, on võtmetähtsusega küsimus, mis eeldab nii projekteerija-, materjali valmistaja- kui ka ehitajapoolset kvaliteetset infosisestust.” Nii võiks igal projektil võiks olla oma BIM koordinaator.

Keep material consumption under control

Furthermore, BIM makes it easier to compile consolidated tables and to calculate the consumption of materials. “I operate in the BIM system when calculating weights, specifying installation dates, and ordering concrete elements and other materials, where it is possible to extract the installation schedule and place orders in the production programme accordingly. This is our growth spot for us to assess the whole process more smoothly,” mentions Haabjärv. He admits that if the construction project is not theirs and it is managed by the office of a client, it is more complicated to handle changes and all the information. “During the course of the project, it is asked in our own company if this or that works. However, it is difficult to provide feedback on other external projects. Especially if you have to provide all the information afterwards, the same person will not work with the next project, or information is not transferred sufficiently fast,” he lists examples.

„BIM ei ole mingi imevahend,” rõhutab Olop, kelle sõnul peavad protsessid paigas olema. „See on moodne töövahend, mis võimaldab osasid asju lihtsamalt ja kiiremini teha.”

BIM reduces paperwork

Olopi sõnul tekivad info liikumises „pudelikaelad“ ootamatutest faktoritest. Pigem muudab BIM ehitamisprotsessi digitaalseks ja vähendab paberitööd, tehes informatsiooni edastamise teistele projekti osapooltele kiiremaks ja täpsemaks. Näiteks, kui tootja on betoontoote ära valanud, siis samal hetkel näevad projekteerijad, ehitajad, tellijad – kõik kellel on mudelile juurdepääs, kogu infot. „Tellijale on see abiks rahavoogude planeerimisel ja võimaldab kontrollida teostatud tööde mahtu. Terve ehituse protsess läheb läbipaistvamaks, võimaldades vanad projektijuhtimismeetodid muuta kaasaaegsemaks, uued ja vähekasutatavad saavad rohkem sõnaõigust.“

See also:


Indrek Allmann
Executive Board Member of the Estonian Association of Architects

BIM brings construction work into indoor conditions

Looking at what goes on in Scandinavia or in Latvia, for instance, we are clearly one step ahead in the field of BIM. It seems that we are simply used to innovations in Estonia.

Design tools are being developed day by day. Based on my experience, I can claim that most of the communication with the builder at larger objects in Estonia is carried out 100% in BIM nowadays.

Speaking of BIM, it is necessary to understand that actually it is nothing but a part of bringing classical construction work to indoor conditions for architects and engineers.

If it is not stated in the budget of a development, it would be improper to expect someone to do it a 100% out of pure enthusiasm.

Alustuseks tuleks eristada, kas objekt on suur või väike, ning kas ehitaja on ühtlasi ka arendaja. Julgen väita, et väiksema hoone puhul loeb BIMist enam meistrimehe kutsemeisterlikkus – täiendav infovoog valdkonnas, mida ta on harjunud nagunii oma peas haldama, ei anna suurt juurde.

However, it is different with larger objects, where communication with the actual contractor of the work is improved via visualization in addition to simplifying the work of the budget department crucially. As the BIM project can be monitored more easily, the risk of various additional works emanating from possible reconstruction needs or other unexpected factors for the developer is reduced.

I would also like to outline that BIM does not mean a better project automatically. BIM is a tool like a regular pencil. BIM makes it possible to plan something very crooked perfectly.

Tänaseks väljakutseks on erinevad BIM standardid – RKASil on oma, Rail Balticul oma, arendajatel ja konsultantidel omad. Tasuks konsolideeruda, sest siis oleks kõigil lihtsam – sellest saab alguse nii eelarve ühtlustatud täpsusaste kui ka alltöövõtjate parem koostöö platsil.

Kõige olulisem on, et ei unustataks, et programmi toodud “vastuolud” projektis võivad olla üpriski tühise kaaluga võrreldes olukorraga, kus ahtitektuurne või insenertehniline lahendus on sisuliselt mäda.


In collaboration with the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the companies of Consolis—AS E-Betoonelement and AS CES—organize a high-level advanced training “Design of high-rise buildings in precast concrete”. ehk „Kõrghoonete kavandamine monteeritavast raudbetoonist”.

The training will take place on the 30th of January at the conference centre of Park Inn by Radisson Meriton Conference and Spa Hotel Tallinn, Toompuiestee 27, in Tallinn.

Architects, designers, engineers, and builders are welcome to participate in the advanced training.

9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Introduction

10:15-11:00 Precast high-rise building structures and connections in precast stability structures, I. 
“The construction of high-rise buildings with precast concrete elements can be beneficial over traditional construction methods. However, it requires a different approach to the structural design of stability structures. Examples of high-rise buildings fully stabilized with precast concrete elements will be presented in order to identify relevant structural issues.”
Lecturer Dick van Keulen, PhD

11:00-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-12:45 Precast high-rise building structures and connections in precast stability structures, II. Lecturer Dick van Keulen, PhD

12:45-13:45 Lunch

13:45-14:45 Special considerations in global design for precast (2D, 3D)

“Design engineers are faced with an exponential development of structural analysis software. As complexity of the analyses grows, so does the uncertainty related to the validity of the results. The presentation addresses the topic with a specific focus on precast concrete structures.” 
Lecturer Gabriel Tarta, PhD

14:45-15:00 Coffee break

15:00-16:30 Tying system in precast for accidental actions (high-rise buildings).

“While planning pre-cast structures the tying system plays a crucial role to ensure structural integrity: how to keep load bearing structures connected with stabilizing structures and how make sure “nothing collapses” and the damage is “in reasonable limits”.” 
Lecturer Alar Käes, authorized civil engineer

16:30 Concluding words

The participants of the training will receive a certificate with 8.4 TP.
The training will be in English.

Registreerimine kodulehelt või e-maili teel kuni 28.01.2019 (k.a.)

Participation fee until 21.01.2019 (incl.)
EUR 190 + VAT
EUR 150 + VAT (members of ECA, members of the collective members of ECA, members of the Estonian Concrete Association)

Participation fee as of 22.01.2019
EUR 210 + VAT
EUR 165 + VAT (members of ECA, members of the collective members of ECA, members of the Estonian Concrete Association)

Read more: Design of high rise-buildings in precast concrete

About Consolis:
Consolis is the leading provider of construction solutions of concrete elements in Europe. AS E-Betoonelement, AS CES, and AS Swetrak belong to Consolis Group. It offers contemporary and lasting concrete structures for the sectors of transport, public utilities, and construction. The group has more than 11 000 employees in 22 countries worldwide. Its turnover was 1.45 billion euros in 2017. We use unique methods for design, engineering, production, and project management to turn raw material into top-notch products and solutions.,,
Meediakontakt: Mari-Liis Tenno, , +372 5667 6006

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