
Estonian Concrete Society announced today the winners of the "Concrete Building of the Year 2016" competition at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu.

Special prize architectural design of the facade - Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ production, service and office building – Architectural bureau Luhse & Tuhal OÜ.

Comment by the jury: "The elemental building with a deliberate content, whose exterior is diversified, the outer panel of the building is divided horizontally into rectangles with false edges. The game's façade is guaranteed by the use of templates with two different patterns, plus smooth, untreated surfaces. "
The chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana: "The building used facade elements E-Betoonelement titanium dioxide. According to architects, the goal was to achieve a bright, natural-looking concrete surface. "

Special prize contractor, architect and concrete manufacturer for cooperation - Glamurous building in Lääne- Virumaa county.
Customer: private client
Architecture: Aarchitectural burea Emil Urbel OÜ (Emil Urbel, Aleksandr Zverev).
Concrete elements: Swetrak AS.

Commentary by the jury: "In addition to the concrete exterior, the surface of the prefabricated concrete elements is also widely visible in the interior. Attention has also been paid to details, which are, for example, concrete door openers. "
The brilliant performance of concrete elements that the jury liked was responsible Swetrak AS belonging to the Consolise group.

The Concrete Building of the Year 2016 - The Estonian National Museum in Tartu.
The main prize is DGT Architects (Dan Dorell, Lina Ghotmeh, Tsuyoshi Tane).
Customer's award - Riigi Kinnisvara AS;
Constructor Award - Novarc Group AS;
Building works Prize - Fund Ehitus OÜ;
Concrete Works Prize - Alusehitus OÜ, BGM Ehitus OÜ, K-Most AS;
Prize for Concrete Elements - TMB Element OÜ;
Concrete Prize - Rudus AS, TM Betoon OÜ;
Form work Award - Ramirent Baltic AS.

See short video about the ERM here:

An original, modern architecture, a new building in its environment, which brings elegant concrete to the surface as the benefits of modern structural material.
Jury comment: "This house is ambitious with architecture, the whole concept of which is based on concrete. The concrete enters the magnificent dialogue with steel and glass in this house.
The chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana: "The quality of concrete works is also very good - and to what extent! With the most recent back rooms and "blind" storage. Until hand grinding of concrete stairs. All the parties involved in the construction of this house have done an excellent job - to praise the Estonian people! "

Special prize arhitektuuri eest – Narva coastal building.
Architectural bureau JVR OÜ - Kalle Vellevoog, Andrus Andrejev, Martin Prommik.
Comment by the jury: "Architects have taken into account that the concrete building would merge into the landscape and would not dominate excessively, but would be actively used on different levels. A concrete building with a complex configuration and pure casting. "
The chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana: "The views that open here are extraordinary. An interesting landscape and historical and political symbols - a contemporary, meaningful historical and natural environment. "

The "Concrete building of the year", organized for the seventeenth time this year, has been launched in order to introduce the wide range of concrete applications to the public and recognize those people who have used domestic construction materials - a very compact and well-shaped concrete for the implementation of their ideas. This year, 20 works were received. The competition was for the submission of concrete constructions delivered to the contracting authority in 2016 and the constructions and procedures used therein. The jury for the Concrete Building of the year 2016 included representatives from the Estonian Construction Association: Estonian Union of Architects - Ülar Mark, Estonian Concrete Association - Johannes Pello, Estonian Construction Entrepreneurs Association - Indrek Peterson, Estonian Construction Engineers Association - Heiki Meos, Estonian Construction Consultancy Association - Aivar Lukk, Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Union - Enno Rebane, Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury, as well as representatives of construction journalists - Eva Kiisler from the magazine "Ehitaja", Liivi Tamm from the magazine EhitusEST, and the Finnish architect Maritta Koivisto from the Betoni magazine.

The Estonian Concrete Association is a company that promotes the use of concrete as a building material for domestic use, which includes 56 companies, organizations and private individuals.

The Association of Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers is an association of construction materials manufacturing and sales companies, which comprises 62 enterprises.

Read more:
Aadu Kana, chairman of the jury of the contest "The Concrete Building of the Year 2016"
Honorary Member of the Estonian Concrete Association Phonel: 50 49 477

Toomas Vainola, Managing Director of Estonian Concrete Association
Phone: 50 36 650; 648 1918; e-mail: 

Enno Rebane, Managing Director of Estonian Building Material Manufacturers Association
Phone: 51 82 662; 648 1918; e-mail:

Concrete is the most widely consumed substance after water in the world, and life without it would be unimaginable. Using reinforced concrete elements in construction ensures several advantages. The topic is introduced by the sales director of E-Betoonelement Aare Pärna and commented on by the architect at Nord Project AS Andres Kariste and the director of engineering at AS TTP Herki Narusk.

"Kuna tänapäeva majadele esitatakse kõrged soojuspidavuse ja energiatõhususe nõuded, saab raudbetoonile kindel olla."

1. Kiirus nii ehitusplatsil kui ka tähtaegades. Erinevalt ühekihilistest plokkidest ehitamisest, mille välisviimistluse ja soojustusega tuleb eraldi tegeleda, paigaldatakse kolmekihilised fassaadielemendid ehitusplatsil kokku täiesti kompaktsetena. Sandwich-paneelid koosnevad kahest raudbetoonikihist ning nende vahel asetsevast soojustusest ning nendest hoone karbi kokkuladumine võttis näiteks Mustamäe Pöörise tänava 14-korruseliste korterelamute puhul aega paar kuud, eramute puhul on see aeg kordades lühem.
Not less important is the fact that since the finished panels are manufactured as a result of factory-controlled processes, slipping deadlines will disappear and the time spent on building completion can be accurately set on the calendar, regardless of the changing weather conditions.

Pöörise residential buildings

2. Taskukohane ehitusmaterjal. Kõrge kvaliteet valmislahendusena ei pruugi alati tähendada kõrget hinda, sest betoon ise materjalina on suhteliselt soodne. Elementidest ehitades on objektil tööjõukulud väiksemad võrreldes näiteks müürsepatöödega. Tänu vastupidavusele ja madalatele hoolduskuludele tuleb lisahinnavõit ka pikaajalise ekspluatatsiooni käigus säästetud summalt. E-Betoonelement kasutab enamjaolt kohalikku toorainet betooni valmistamiseks.

3. Optimeeritud tehnoloogia BIM, mille abil arhitektid saavad läbi­viigud, ventilatsioonikanalid, kommunikatsioonid juba projekteerimisjärgus 3D-mudelis sisse planeerida reaalsetes gabariitides. Kõikide detailide ja viikude puhul on seosed näha, nii ei teki ehitusplatsil üllatusi, et mingi asi pole omal kohal. Siinjuures tuleb arvestada mõnede faktoritega paneelide dimensioneerimisel, sest tekivad piirmõõdud nii transpordi puhul kui ka monteerimisel.

4. Pikaealine. Juba iidses Egiptuses ja Hiinas toodeti betooni ja tehti rajatisi, mille tunnistajaks oleme veel tänapäeval. Betoon oma olemuselt on äärmiselt vastupidav ning hoones, mille ehitad Sina kooskõlas moodsate tehnoloogiatega, võivad tegutseda mitmed järgmised põlvkonnad.

5. Kaunis ja keskkonnasõbralik. Nord Projekt ASi arhitekt Andres Kariste sõnul pole paneelid ammu enam tuima halli väljanägemisega. „Betooni pinnale saab faktuuri trükkida või patineerida nagu näiteks raudsulfaadiga Palmse mehaanikakoja puhul. Patineerimise kasutamine pakub pilkupüüdvaid värvilahendusi: pruunikaid, sinakaid, vase­karva, elavaid toone. Samuti saab tehases välispinnale panna keraamilisi plaate, looduskivi, laduda tellisemustreid. Betoon juba kivistumise käigus mängib veidi oma tooniga ning on stiilne monokroomsenagi, kuid seejuures jääb alles võimalus kasutada ka värvilisi betoone. Hoonele huvitava välisilme loomisel on kliendil mängumaa üsna lai ning alati võimalus arhitekti pakutud julgemate uuendustega kaasa tulla,“ kinnitab arhitekt.
Environmentally-friendly local raw materials such as crushed stone, sand, cement keep the interference to environment as little as possible. In addition, concrete is almost 100% recyclable!

Palmse mehaanikakoda, patineeritud pind
Palmse Mechanics Chamber

6. Tervislik – betoon on ise suhteliselt aurutihe materjal, kuid vähene niiskus, mis konstruktsiooni läbib, tuulutatakse soojustusest väikeste tuulutuskanalitega välja, see kõik väldib hallitusseente teket ja hoiab sooja. Siseõhu kvaliteedi ja õhuniiskuse hoiab elementmaja inimsõbralikul tasemel. Puudub vajadus pindu seente- või putukatevastase tõrjega töödelda.

7. Betoonelement maja on kindel – turvaline ja tuleohutu. Raudbetooni stabiilne struktuur ja füüsikalised omadused kaitsevad hoonet ja elanikke võimalike looduskatastroofide nagu orkaanid või löökide-plahvatuste eest. Enamik rasketesse piirkondadesse ehitatud kaitserajatisi tehakse just sellest materjalist, et pakkuda maksimaalset kaitset. Meie tingimustes toob arhitekt Kariste välja hooldus- ja vandaalikindla välispinna: „Sellelt on hea ja lihtne mustust survepesuriga maha pesta, mida kergkrohv-seina puhul on riskantne teha, kuna surve võib katte viia.“
For the forces of nature -hangs on for storms, even for floods for a short time, and the water can not enter the structures in the case of saddles. Everyone knows that the concrete is not burning: the fire-resistance of the building can be raised for two hours and more - the supporting structure hangs on.

8. Müra- ja soojusisolatsioon. Betoonil on suurepärane võime summutada müra. Mida massiivsem materjal, seda mürakindlam: keskmine raudbetoonist välisseina element vähendab müranivood 60 detsibelli, kui samas kergsein vaid 30 dB. Peale heliisolatsiooni pakub betoon samaväärselt head termoisolatsiooni, hoides temperatuuri stabiilsena nii külma kui ka sooja ilma puhul. Suured klaasfassaadid pole tänapäeval enam teema, arhitekt Andres Kariste rõhutab pigem energiatõhusust: „Kuna tänapäeva majadele esitatakse kõrged soojapidavuse ja energia­tõhususe nõuded, saab raudbetoonile kindel olla. Oma suhteliselt suure massi tõttu töötab see akumulaatorina, hoides stabiilset sisekliimat.“

See how the first houses of Pöörise residential area were made of concrete elements!

This year, Concrete Day is taking place on 14 March at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu, where the leading Russian architect Philip Nikandrov is performing and the winner of the Concrete Building of the Year 2016 is announced.

8.15 –   Bussid väljuvad Tallinnast.
Exit: Mere avenue, Russian Cultural Center.
10.50 - Buses arrive in Tartu.
Buses run through the Ihaste Bridge (Year of Concrete Building 2015)
view of the Tartu Prison (Concrete Building of the year 2002);
Estonian National Museum (ERM)
11.00 - Buses arrive at the ERM, Muuseumi road 2.

11.00 - Excursion in the ERM.
12.40 - Lõuna ERM-is.
14.00 - Meeting at the Jakob Hurt Hall
Head of the day - Aadu Kana,
Honorary Member of the Estonian Concrete Association
14.05 - Introduction - Aadu Kana, Tiit Roots
14.10 - Welcome - Tõnis Lukas,
General Director of the Estonian National Museum
14.15 – Evolution Tower ja Lakhta Center –
prominent tall buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Philip Nikandrov, Chief Architect of Gorprojekt, Moscow.
The presentation is in English.
15.15 - Competition "Concrete Building of the year 2016"
Summaries and announcement of winners
16.00 - Speech by the winner
16.10 - Coffee table
17.00 - End of the Concrete day
17.00 - Buses leave the ERM car park, drive to Tallinn
19.30 - Buses arrive in Tallinn


Philip Nikandrov, architect of 25 years of international experience, is Russia's leading architect specializing in the design of large, complex and unique high-rise buildings. His approach to works is like a journey from context to minimalism, achieving complexity through simplicity.
1993 - graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Architectural and Civil Engineering
1994 - Member of the Union of Russian Architects.
1997 - joined RMJM with the architectural firm, working in the offices of the UK, the Middle East and Russia. 2011 - ZAO GORPROJEKT, Chief Architect, Moscow
2011 – ZAO „GORPROJEKT“, peaarhitekt, Moskva.

Most important projects:
- „Evolution Tower“ (2015) Moskva ärikeskuses ja
- „Lakhta Center“ Peterburis (ehitamisel).

Other important projects:
- Mitmeotstarbeline Kontserdimaja (34 000 m2) Moskvas, ehitamisel;
- MinVodyEXPO (näituse ja konverentsikeskuse paviljon, üle 30 000 m2),
Mineralnye Vody Airport, (2014);
- Apartment-tüüpi hotell „Tower“(104 m) Mosfilmovskaja tänaval, Moskvas (ehitamisel).

"LAKHTA CENTER" in St. Petersburg (under construction).


The currently under construction energy company "Gazprom" headquarters in St. Petersburg on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, with a predominantly 465-meter skyscraper.
More than half of the complex surfaces are for public use.
The classic panorama of St. Petersburg is quite flat, with some of the peaked landmarks highlighted: Peter and Paul Fortress Tower, Admiralty Tower, in addition to the cathedral's dome.
Now they are in dialogue with them 9 kilometers from the historic city center to the skyscraper's highest skyscraper in Europe.
The public viewing platform is 357 meters high, making Europe the highest.
The highest in Europe is also a panoramic restaurant - 330 meters high.
In 2015, the zero cycle was completed.
The complex should be ready in 2018.


Evolution Tower

A 246-meter high, 55-story spiral building is located in Moscow's downtown business district on the Moscow River, on the Presnenskaya River.
The building has the impression that the two ribbons are twisted around each other. Each subsequent floor is at an angle of 3 degrees on the previous floor, a total of 135 degrees.
Already before the "Evolution Tower" was completed, the modern icon of Moscow became a sculptural building, becoming a symbol of business charm and rapid development. In 2016 Transneft bought a skyscraper for $ 1 billion.

Concrete records:
- vundamendi stabiilsus on saavutatud 2080 paigalvalu-betoonist vaiaga;
- esimest korda ajaloos on kõrghoone vundamendis kasutatud 2-meetrise diameetriga paigalvalu-betoonist vaiu;
- vundamendi alusplaadi valamine katkematu betoonivaluna nõudis 19 624 m3 betooni, mis oli valamise hetkel (2015) uueks maailmarekordiks.
As a whole, the "Lakhta Center" (with a total area of ​​400,000 m2) is introduced, bringing in over 100 technological innovations.

Additional information for a Concrete Day participants:
Tallinnast Betoonipäevale sõitjatele on sõit bussiga Tartusse ja tagasi tasuta. Betoonipäeval osalemine (ja koht bussis) – ainult eelnevalt registreerunutele. Palume ennast registreerida hiljemalt 7. märtsiks 2017:

Photography exhibition of the nominees of the Concrete Building of the Year 2016 and the winning works of 2000–2015 is open.

Read more:
Eesti Betooniühing – tel 648 1918

Entrance only with preregistration.

Training course “Concrete and chemical additives used in concrete” organised by the Concrete Association of Estonia is taking place in the Tallinn Construction School on 9 March.

Time: 9 March, at 12:00–17:00
Location: Tallinn Construction School, Pärnu mnt 162, Tallinn


12.00 - Registreerimine ja sissejuhatus

12.15 – Part I
Observing requirements for concrete and concrete
Cement chemistry and its effects on the properties of concrete

13.15 – Lunch

14.00 – Part II
Overview of concrete chemical additives
Plasticizers and superplasticizers
Air flushing additives

15.00 – Coffee break

15.10 – PART III
Capillary water absorption additive
Abatement accelerates
Hardening accelerating additives

16.10 - Completion of training
Introducing the Construction school

The training is carried out by Eneli Liisma and Vallo Vardja.

Participants earn refresher training points of the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers
The price of the training includes presentation materials and lunch.
Free parking on site in the Ehituskool´s courtyard.

The basis for participation is registration by March 3, 2017 at the latest:
 and on the Phone 648 1918.

Manager of E-Betoonelement Vaido Leosk: “Saturday marked 25 years since the establishment of E-Betoonelement. A meeting of representatives of three companies – EE Ehitus AS, OY Rudus AB and SRV International OY – took place on 11 February 1992. As a result of the discussion, a resolution was signed to establish a new business – EE Betoonelement AS.”

„Tolle aja mõte - ühendada piiritagused elemenditehnoloogia teadmised ning Eesti ettevõtjate tarmukus, tohutu soov luua ja areneda on edukalt vilja kandnud. Täna 25 aastat hiljem on E-Betoonelement suurima tootmismahuga elementide tootja Eestis, kes pakub lisaks oma klientidele nii elementlahenduste projekteerimis- kui ka elementide paigaldusteenust. Oleme osa suurest kontsernist Consolis, mis tagab meile võimaluse jagada ning saada teadmisi sõsarettevõtetelt kolmekümnest riigist. Ettevõtte loojate põhiidee toimib ka tänases hetkes,“ selgitab Vaido Leosk.

„25 aastat on huvitav iga. Eesti aegruumis on tegu kogenud ja eluküpse ettevõttega, sest vanemad ettevõtted, kes elasid üle nõukogude perioodi, leidub vähe. Maailma mõistes on tegu noore ettevõttega, kes pole oma ärimudelit pidanud drastiliselt muutma. Oleme kindlad oma ärimudelile, pakkudes klientidele kestvaid funktsionaalseid elementlahendusi! Betoonelementide tehnoloogia on selle aluseks ja me usume, et tööstuslik betoonelementide tehnoloogia on jätkuvalt turul parimaid lahendusi. Kas see ka jääb nii maailma kiires tehnoloogilises arengus? Seda me täna veel ei tea!" lisab Vaido Leosk.

Cabro™ meeskond osaleb käesoleval nädalal Soomes toimuval põllumajandusmessil Sarka 2017. Mess on avatud reedel 27. jaanuaril kella 9.00-17.00 ja laupäeval 28. jaanuaril kella 10.00-16.00-ni.

Participants at the fair include professionals of agriculture, energy, forestry and farm economy sectors.

E-Betoonelemendi Cabro™ meeskond tutvustab messil ACONTANK™ mahuteid, mille mahutuvus ulatub kuni 9400 m2. Oma klientidele pakub Cabro™ mahutite paigaldamisel täislahendust alates mahuti projekteerimisest ja ehitusplatsi ettevalmistamisest kuni püstitamise ja järelpingestamiseni. Kõikidele mahutitele kehtib 5-aastane garantii.

You can read more about the tanks here: Lahendused/cabro/

More about the Sarka Fair here:

E-Betoonelemendi Cabro™ meeskond tervitab teid boksis F2.

According to Aare Pärna, Sales Manager at E-Betoonelement, the shortage of qualified labour worries the company the most.

“It’s the kind of problem that we don’t have a good solution to even now,” he admitted, adding that all companies are looking for ways to cope with the shortage of labour. According to Pärna, workers are often bought over. “Market economy!” Pärna commented.

Tight competition on the concrete market

Pärna says that although competition on the concrete market is tight, E-Betoonelement cannot complain about how the company is doing. “By now, our spring is fully sold out and we are already selling the summer period,” he said. Everything is up for sale: concrete elements for apartment buildings, shopping centres and warehouses. “It’s difficult to say which product sells the most, because the Estonian market is very site-based. If 1–2 larger sites are underway, these constitute a big part of the entire production volume,” he said.

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