
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validates Consolis near-term emission reduction targets



The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has validated and approved that the near-term emission targets of the Consolis Group, which includes Consolis E-Betoonelement, are in line with both the latest climate science and with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“The validation shows that we are on the right track with our climate work, which benefits our customers in the construction industry who strive for a reduced climate footprint. Our climate-improved precast concrete elements, make it possible to reduce emissions in construction projects already today,” says Esa Mäki, Consolis Baltic MD.

The global manufacturer of precast concrete building materials, Consolis Group, which includes Consolis Latvija, commits to reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in scope 1 and scope 2 by 50% by 2032, from the base year 2022. The company also adds a scope 3 target to its scope 1 and scope 2 target to reduce absolute GHG emissions from purchased goods and services by 30% within the same timeframe. The Group's near-term targets have been assessed against SBTi's strict criteria following a thorough validation process.

Consolis E-Betoonelement climate commitments to reach the targets

To achieve the targets and address the ongoing climate crisis, Consolis Group is committed to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions that reduce emissions:

  • Reducing or replacing cement is a priority as the primary source of carbon emissions in concrete is related to the use of cement. Consolis Group is increasing and exploring the use of secondary cement-based materials and alternative binders.
  • Optimizing the design to produce lighter and narrower precast concrete elements that require less raw material while maintaining quality standards.
  • Improving manufacturing processes by adopting and developing existing technologies and standards contributes to decarbonization by optimizing raw materials, energy and production processes.
  • Collaboration with strategic partners across the value chain to achieve efficiency gains and reduce carbon emissions.

Leadership in low carbon precast concrete

Consolis Group is successfully marketing the low carbon product line Green Spine Line® in six of our markets. In the first half of 2024, approximately 37% of Consolis' total production volume consisted of Green Spine Line® products. This corresponds to approximately 580k tons of certified products with a direct saving of 21,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions compared to regular precast concrete.

SBTi (Teaduspõhiste Eesmärkide Algatus (Science Based Targets initiative - SBTi),) is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). It is focused on accelerating companies worldwide to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

Consolis E-Betoonelement

Consolis, a leading European industrial group providing sustainable precast concrete structures for construction and infrastructure. With operations in 17 countries worldwide, Consolis generated over EUR 1 billion in sales in 2023.

Parema elukeskkonna nimel! Well-built for well-being!


Consolis Media Relations Contact: Helen Spalding, Consolis Group Communications Director,
+467 2519 7782,

E- Betoonelement´s press release representative: Mari-Liis Tenno,
+372 5667 6006

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