E-Betoonelement, the Estonian subsidiary of the Consolis group, one of the world leaders in precast concrete solutions, has just acquired a new machine that pushes back the boundaries of creativity in the construction of buildings. The machine chosen enables the automated and rapid production of prefabricated concrete surfaces with complex graphic effects”;
the benefits of the machine, in simple words, are as follows:
The different tools applied on the different working heads can follow the profile of the elements (flat or curved surfaces) and perform a series of different operations, such as special engravings, cutting operations and others.
Kasutades masina täisautomatiseeritud või käsitsi seadistamist, edastab operaator kogu vajamineva info betoonelementide kuju määratlemiseks: paneeli ümbermõõt, olemasolevad takistused või avad (nt akna ja uste avad) ja seejärel teostab masin erinevad tööd, sealhulgas ka lisategevused näiteks nagu graveeringud või ka lihtsalt elemendile ettevõtte logo jäädvustamise.
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