At the BIMsummit Estonia conference, which takes place third year in a row, the BIM specialists of the enterprises of Consolis will take the stand: Jaanus Olop, the manager of the Technical Design Department of E-Betoonelement, and Kaspar Ots, the manager of the CES units of Consolis.
The conference is meant from a practitioner to a practitioner, where current topics and future visions of BIM and digital construction will reach the participants via stories based on experience and discussions.
The purpose of BIMsummit Estonia is to inspire contracting entities, main contractors, and designers to reach a new level at the implementation of BIM.
The conference will take place in the Telliskivi Creative City at Erinevate Tubade Klubi, Telliskivi 60A. The ticket price is EUR 199.
9:00 Registration and morning coffee
9:30 Opening
9:45 David Glennon
Making BIM Level 2 business as usual in the UK
10:30 Tanel Järvet
From the Estonian LIDAR data to the BIM model of an object
10:50 Mihkel Kaesveld
BIM—beautiful art
11:15 Anti Orav, Martin Polikarpus, Jaanus Olop Vestlusring: Ehitusmaterjalitootjad - kuidas muutuvas projekteerimismaailmas pildis olla?
The world of design is changing faster and faster. Model design has become the usual practice. How do the manufacturers of construction materials see the so-called world of BIM? Which possibilities will the digitalisation of the building sector open to manufacturers?
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Siim Sildoja
Programming yourself to manage changes
13:30 Hele-Mai Metsal, Miina Karafin, Alan Väli, Priit Püss
Uus reaalsus - teostusmudel praktikas
14:30 Kaisa Saarva
InfraBIM implementation module of the extension project of the runways of Tallinn Airport
14:45 Coffee break
15:15 Kaspar Ots, Helena Menzing
BIM rakendamine monteeritava raudbetooni tööstuses - vajalikud eeltingimused ja kasu kogu väärtusahelale.
16:15 Tanel Järvet From the Estonian LIDAR data to the BIM model of an object
16:30 Priidu Kooskora
Maanteeameti infraBIM pilootprojektid - õppetunnid praktikast
17:00 Networking in casual environment (approximately up to 19 pm)
Registration and further information: