
15 buildings will participate in the Concrete Building of the Year 2019 competition


Press release
Estonian Concrete Association and Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association

15 buildings will participate in the Concrete Building of the Year 2019 competition

Eesti Betooniühingu ja Eesti Ehitusmaterjalide Tootjate Liidu korraldatavale konkursile „Aasta betoonehitis 2019” esitati 15 ehitist.

"The versatility of concrete as the most widely used domestic building material is well characterized by the works submitted for this year's competition," said Tiit Roots , Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Concrete Association. "Nominees include infrastructure buildings, public buildings apartment buildings, and private houses," Roots added.

According to Tiit Rootsi, the accent of this year's competition can also be considered the submission of a new quarter of Tallinn-city to the competition, together with the renovation of new high-rise buildings and several heritage-protected buildings.

Another accent can be considered the dignified participation of agricultural construction in the competition of concrete buildings.

The board of the Estonian Concrete Association approved all 15 buildings submitted for the competition as "Concrete Building of the Year 2019" nominees.

"Due to the long-lasting properties of concrete, several important public buildings have been added to Estonia - the main building of the National Defense Academy, the hall complex of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, the Kaja Cultural Center," said Toomas Vainola, Executive Director of the Estonian Concrete Association.

Candidates for the title of 2019 concrete building are:

  1. Hall Complex of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater, Tatari 13, Tallinn;
  2. Private house, Vikerkaare 15, Tartu;
  3. Hammerjack business building, Vae 4, Laagri, Harju County;
  4. Reconstruction of Kultuurikatla Gas Tower, Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn;
  5. Cultural Center and administrative building Kaja, Vilde tee 118, Tallinn;
  6. Maakri 19-21 business quarter, Maakri 19-21, Tallinn;
  7. Mustamäe cogeneration plant, Vinkli 6, Tallinn;
  8. Oval office building, Veerenni 38, Tallinn;
  9. Reidi tee rainwater pumping station, Tallinn;
  10. Main Building of the Academy of Internal Affairs, Kase 61, Tallinn;
  11. Sära tee office and warehouse building, Sära tee 11, Peetri, Harjumaa;
  12. Tallink's Tulemaja office building, Sadama 9, Tallinn;
  13. Workshop 3 office building, Töökoja 3, Tallinn;
  14. Vahtra large farm, Viisireiu village, Saarde parish, Pärnu county;
  15. Vana-Kalamaja 6-8 apartment buildings, Vana-Kalamaja 6-8, Tallinn.
Sära tee office and warehouse building, Sära tee 11, Peetri, Harjumaa;

See also

The aim of the competition is to find and highlight buildings whose good looks and efficient and economical implementation demonstrate the advantages and possibilities of concrete as a domestic material.

The winner is an object or procedure where a significant contribution has been made by the companies registered in Estonia and by concrete materials coming from Estonia. When choosing a winning entry, the professionalism of the design and construction of the object as well as the level of demand, quality and innovation, are taken into account.

The main prize belongs to the author of the work. Special marking for winning object´s customer, designer, builder, concrete and formwork supplier.

The jury of the competition, organized for the twentieth time, includes representatives of the Estonian Association of Architects, the Estonian Concrete Association, the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, the Estonian Association of Construction Consulting Companies, the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association, Kunda NordicTsement, and the construction press.

The jury will start its work in January.

The winner will be announced on Concrete Day on March 11, 2020.

Background info:

The Estonian Concrete Association and the Estonian Building Materials Manufacturers Association have been organizing a competition to identify the best concrete buildings of the year for nineteen years.

2018. aasta Betoonehitiseks valiti – Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. The main prize, architecture went to KUU Arhitektid: Joel Kopli, Koit Ojaliiv, Juhan Rohtla and Eik Hermann. Client's award: Estonian Academy of Arts;

See also

Eesti Betooniühing on betooni kui kodumaise ehitusmaterjali kasutamist edendav ühing, kuhu kuulub 69 ettevõtet, organisatsiooni ja eraisikut. Eesti Ehitusmaterjalide Tootjate Liit on ehitusmaterjalide tootmise ja müügiga  tegelevate ettevõtjate ühendus, kuhu kuulub 62 ettevõtet.

Read more:
Tiit Roots,the Chairman of the Management Board of the CAE,
Tel: 50 42 228; e-post:

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