14 March is Concrete Day during which the winners of the Concrete Building of the Year 2012 will be announced. There will be a photo exhibition of the nominees of the Concrete Building of the Year 2012 and buildings that have won the competition previously.
Event schedule
12:30 Registreerimine. Näitusega tutvumine
13:00 Betoonteede võimalikkusest Eestis – müüdid ja tegelikkus.
Australian highway engineer's overview of his personal and contemporary world experience..
Arvo Tinni, RFD, BE, FIEAust, AlArbA, CP Eng Tinni Management Consulting, Sydney,
14:30 Kohvipaus
15:00 Eestlane Londonis – arhitekti kogemused rahvusvahelises arhitektuuribüroos.
Kadri Kaldam, Dipl.-Eng ARB (UK), Foster + Partners, London, Great Britain
16:00 Konkursi “Aasta betoonehitis 2012“ kokkuvõtted ja võitjate väljakuulutamine.
Aadu Kana, chairman of the competition jury
16:30 Buffet
17:30 Päeva lõpp
An invitation and prior registration is required to participate at the event.